Facebook returns to BlackBerry with patent lawsuit | News and reviews


The company accused BlackBerry on Tuesday of violating six patents belonging to Facebook. But ironically, none of the patents were originally developed by Facebook.

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Facebook is coming back to BlackBerry with its own patent infringement lawsuit.

On Tuesday, Facebook filed a lawsuit in a California district court over patents covering voice mail and storage of GPS data technology, in addition to security and networking technologies. The technology, however, has not been developed by the site; Facebook acquired the patents via an agreement concluded in 2012 with Microsoft.

This came after BlackBerry in March said that Facebook had stolen a patented technology originally used in BlackBerry's email software for use on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram.

Facebook claims that BlackBerry uses its technology for instant messaging, secure file transfer and location tracking. Until now, neither company has publicly commented on the lawsuit. But Facebook requires the Canadian supplier to pay damages.

Facebook rejected the BlackBerry trial as an attempt to "tax the innovation of others".

"The BlackBerry suit unfortunately reflects the current state of its messaging business," said the deputy general counsel of Facebook earlier this year.

In 2016, BlackBerry closed its smartphone division; it now licenses the company to the Chinese manufacturer TCL, which is still building Android phones running Android. Since moving away from telephone equipment, the Canadian supplier has focused on providing enterprise software products.

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