Fallout 5 will be a solo player, Fallout 76 detailed improvements "Video game news, reviews, walkthroughs and guides – GamingBolt


Todd Howard talks about the future of the Fallout franchise

  Fallout 76

The fact that Fallout 76 is an exclusively online game has not worked very well with some people, especially since Bethesda has been outspoken in her support of solo experiences for a long time now. If some of you are worried that this is the direction that they will take with all their future games, you do not have to worry.

In an interview with GameStar, Bethesda Game Studios' Todd On asked Howard if the Fallout 76 approach would also find its place in the developer's future games, such as Fallout 5 or The Elder Scrolls 6 and his answer was, to put it simply – no. These games will still be very much solo experiences. "For these games, we want to keep them as a single player," Howard said. "That's what our goal is going to be.If they have a social aspect that we have not yet designed, you'll see.But we treat each of them as their own thing." . "

Howard then spoke a little about Fallout 76 himself, and gave some details about the technical improvements made by Bethesda Game Studios with the game and the engine on which it is built, citing examples of rendering, lighting, landscape generation, and more as some of the biggest improvements in the game. "We wanted every aspect to be better," he said. "From the graphics to the way the controls work, the shot, the enemy AI, the overlapping quests."

These are, without a doubt, the most important improvements that people were hoping for in the Fallout ] Game. Gunplay in Fallout has never been as accurate as what you would see in a shooter, relying more on RPG mechanisms, such as VATS, and since VATS in ] Fallout 76 will now be real time, you expect the appropriate gunplay in the game to see major improvements, with things like AI, since these aspects will now be in the forefront plan.

"In Fallout 4 we tried so many new things and redid so much that we had before," continued Howard. "We took our lessons on how you will achieve that balance Fallout 76 . We've improved hit detection for Fallout 76 it's a lot better but you'll only notice it if you go back to Fallout 4 and compare those two games. There are a lot of things we did again for Fallout 76 that I do not know if people will notice. "

These improvements, in fact, are only going to increase more and more with each new game, if Howard is to be believed, who said that the studio will continue to improve its technology with Starfield then with The Elder Scrolls 6 as well, which is to be expected, of course, and also, frankly, quite necessary too- The Bethesda Game Studios games are not exactly technical wonders (to say it at the In the same interview, Howard also talked about cross-game support in Fallout 76 and how the game will not be able to achieve full functionality due to the attitude problematic of Sound & # 39; y. You can read this report here.

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