Fallout 76 could not resist, including the Enclave


But for what purpose?

Fallout 76 looks more and more like the big question and answer game of the year.

People know that it is coming. the Fall The series is widespread even among people who buy a few games a year and generally do not follow news or industry trends. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a known entity – you are there or you are not there. It's the same thing for Red Dead Redemption 2. But Fallout 76? Who knows.

Bethesda is moving from lonely post-apocalyptic adventures to online co-ops and player clashes, and while this approach lends itself to the creation of spontaneous moments and memorable player-driven stories, there is a real fear that Fallout 76 will feel hollow. As a petition for a solo player says, "the heart of Fall has always been the conquest of the wasteland by yourself ".

It's a risk, but at the same time, it does not take much imagination to imagine Fallout 76 landing as a huge commercial success. If the content of the launch day is attractive enough to get players to invest and Bethesda launches regular updates to stave off rampant boredom, Fallout 76 could do well for years to come. It's essential that this week's beta test on Xbox One makes a good impression.

As you may have heard, the humans you will meet outside the safe in the Appalachians will be other players and not quest givers with dialogue trees as in the past. Fall Games. Although this is going to be an adjustment, Fallout 76 will always have quests and also a main thread of history initiated by the supervisor.

"She left you with secret instructions, and that's kind of the starting point for what we call the main quest," Bethesda's Pete Hines told Game Informer. "In the end, you launch nuclear weapons.Nuclear weapons are a game system, but they are also part of the main story."

With this configuration in mind, it is interesting to note that factions will be present. Bethesda has filled more whites in recent weeks, confirming just recently the presence of Enclave in Fallout 76.

Reminder: This is a prequel. In the year 2102, we are still at the very beginning of the desert. Fans have advanced quite credible speculation about the place of the Enclave in Fallout 76.

"There is a bunker under the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia that was built to house members of Congress in the event of a national emergency," notes the Redditor -IVLIVS. "It is possible that this is what Bethesda was referring to in her message, it would not be the enclave as we know it, though." The bombs destroyed the communication network between the various government shelters. program and equipment remnants of West Virginia will be very different from the Enclave we are used to. "

Fallout 76The Whitespring Resort looks like a prime location for the enclave.

Other groups confirmed for Fallout 76 include free states that are preparing well, helpful speakers, the usual Raiders and, yes, the Brotherhood of Steel, apparently too iconic.

My curiosity for this game is at its highest level right now.

If you are looking to take the Fallout 76 beta for a ride, here's a reminder about the release schedule. The Xbox One beta will start on Tuesday, Oct. 23, and the beta versions for PC and PS4 will begin a week later, Oct. 30. "Every day, the game might not last four to eight hours," according to Bethesda. "Focusing as many players as possible on these windows is our primary goal."

Since the beta contains the "full game", October 23 will be a rewarding day.

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