Fallout 76 is already being repaired by moders


Fallout 76, the on-line entry of Bethesda's famous post-apocalyptic RPG series, will get official support for mods in the future, but enthusiastic modders have already started creating their own unofficial mods, many of which answer Game.

The game, which will be released November 14 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, will eventually support the official mods that will allow users to modify the game – sometimes quite revolutionary – but will only be available on servers private.

However, some moders did not wait for official support and have already created a number of Fallout 76 mods for the PC version by reusing the Fallout 4 editing tools. These are available on NexusMods.

Change the game

Since these mods are not official and use tools designed for a different game, they are quite limited compared to the type of mods we will probably see when launching the official mods support. Nevertheless, there are some useful adjustments that make the game more enjoyable and respond to player complaints in the first beta of Fallout 76.

For example, some mods provide better support for ultra-wide resolution, modify files to make the game more enjoyable, provide better cards in the game, and more. For a game that has not even been launched yet, the number of options already available is impressive.

Following the announcement of the lack of a number of features expected of modern games in Fallout 76, it appears that the players have attacked themselves to solve some problems.

In our opinion, this is a good sign for Bethesda because it shows that there is already a determined audience for the game, which is already working on ways to improve it and continue to play the players.

Via Wccftech

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