Fallout 76 is not a good Fallout game, but it's still fun


We've published many stories and videos about Fallout 76 after our hands-on experience with an Xbox One version last week. We showed you how disappointing VATS is, the treasure tricks of the game, the fun assassination radio station, what it is like to have a huge nuclear bomb on us, and of course, there are a lot of gameplay to watch.

But that's Fallout 76, like … good? Is it fun? Having played a little, is it something that still fascinates me?

Three hours of play is not enough to make a real judgment, but I absolutely want to play more as soon as I can. he was fun, and I a m I'm still excited about the beta version of Fallout 76 and the full game in November, although some things have somewhat dampened my enthusiasm.

Almost paradise, West Virginia

Fallout 76 West Virginia is a huge world, and while only three hours allowed us to walk a small part of it, the areas we visited were filled with Things. I spent some time playing in a group, but I also explored by myself and found that I never had to go too far before falling on something to do.

There was a nice server event where I had to activate and protect a robot while it was patrolling a city full of wild ghouls. Wandering through the woods, I found a series of treehouses connected by rope bridges that could be explored with lots of climbing and jumping. I came across a power plant and a relay tower filled with enemies and a mission to reactivate both structures. In addition, there were many ruined houses to loot, an abandoned underground mine and a whole bunch of random monster encounters. I even briefly fell on the Mothman. Fallout 76 feels like a big place topped with things to keep you busy.

Fallout 76 is also endowed with the benefits of a Fallout solo game. You can quickly browse the map using your friends, camp, or server events as quick-move markers. Dying seems to be hardly a stumbling block: you will not lose your weapons and can usually reappear very close to the place of your death. It's a world that encourages you to explore it and makes it easy to get back home.

Forgive survival

As an online shooting game with PvP, Fallout 76 seems extremely forgiving. If you choose to participate in PvP and you are killed, you will only lose your undesirable material: your screws, your band, your office fans, and everything you picked up randomly so that you can turn into scrap for manufacturing. on the nearest worktop. Even if someone can follow you and kill you even if you do not want to fight, he will be considered an outlaw and will be given a bonus, which will probably cause him more problems than he does. it is not worth it. In addition, with only two dozen players on one server at a time, it is unlikely that you will be hunted in the four corners of the map by people who want to kill you. I participated in a PvP battle during our practical session, I was killed quickly and quickly reappeared not far away, basically, nothing worse for wear.

There are elements of survival like eating and drinking, but at least at the beginning of the game and in a relatively soft starting area of ​​The Forest, they feel tamed. If you do not eat and drink for a while, you will lose points of action, but the drain is so slow and there is so much to loot that it does not seem like a real problem. Even hungry and dehydrated, we were told that it would take a long time before you died.

Maybe these two points look like complaints, and for some, they might be: I'm sure there will be players who will look for a more extreme survival simulator. But personally, I'm happy not to worry too much about food and drinks, nor to be confronted repeatedly with significant PvP. I'm not looking for a hard and ruthless survival experience in Fallout 76, or being constantly hunted down by players, but I wonder if everything is in order. so Forgive this could turn off those looking for a DayZ or Rust style PvP survival game.

Talk to me

I can not say that I really missed talking to a group of NPCs and making dialogue choices, but during this hands-on session, I mostly rushed to look for things to do, not people to talk to. In the long run, though, I am sure I will not miss conversations with artificial intelligence characters, not just in terms of history, but because they offer an opportunity to play the role. Deciding on the nature of your character – whether he's kind and helpful, maleficent and ruthless, or something in between – often stems from conversations with NPCs. Even if you give me the choice between "I'll help you" and "I'll help you, but it'll cost you a lot", it may make you think about who your character really could be at the bottom.

This makes me wonder what kind of role-playing game would make Fallout 76 easier. You can play role-playing with other human players, of course (there will be a nearby vocal chat as well as a live chat). Team), but only when you meet them and in an online game, there is no guarantee that you will meet someone for great distances. of time. I was not a big fan of the Fallout 4 settlement system, but it was still nice to see human NPCs walking around, watching the tusks, sleeping in beds and giving you a little chatter . It made the world more alive. In times when you are not surrounded by friends or strangers in Fallout 76, and without NPCs with whom you can chat, I wonder if it will feel alive.

Persistent thoughts

Some time ago, I played Rust every few days for about a month. I found a moderately populated server, built a small hut near other homes and, over time, I met locals who played there. They were not my friends, but they were mostly friendly. Sometimes I connected and saw them, other times, I would not do it. But even when they were not there, their belongings were there. Their homes and bases were always right next to mine. I connected and saw their progress, saw how their bases had grown and saw new homes built in the area. In other words, it was like a neighborhood. It was a community, it persisted even when I was the only one around. Of course, sometimes I identified myself and some of our bases had been destroyed by player raids but it still looked like a small town.

One of the concerns I've had (and still have) concerns Bethesda's servers. I simply can not oppose the idea of ​​not having a server browser, not to reside on the server of your choice, a browser that you can revisit several times. I know that my base will appear in the same place every time I connect, but it's strange to think that a base built near mine will just not be there the next time I log in because the person who built it is not nearby. Unless they are my personal friends, I will probably never see them again. It might be hard to really feel that you are rebuilding America if all the buildings disappear when their architects go offline. It may be best if people can not destroy your base until you are disconnected, but it costs you to never feel like you're part of a persistent world.

I guess we'll know in November. And aside from my reservations, now that I've played a little at Fallout 76, I'm definitely ready for more.

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