Fallout 76: Revision Impressions, Power Armor, Tips, and What You Need to Know


Just a few years after the release of Fallout 4, Bethesda surprised fans by officially announcing Fallout 76, the next entry in its beloved post-apocalyptic RPG franchise. The new game was revealed in a trailer after a series of teasing. Bethesda spoke about it in more detail during the 2018 E3 and the 2018 QuakeCon. We even had the opportunity to play the game during a recent live event. But the game is out and we have just started to progress in the sprawling adventure of Bethesda.

To keep you up-to-date on what's new about Fallout 76, we have gathered all the information we have about the game up to now: the platforms on which it's installed, its features online, its anti-grief features and where the game fits in the timeline of the series.

If you have already played the beta, you will be happy to know that the game receives a release day update containing a ton of new content. In the meantime, be on the lookout for our complete review, as well as numerous guides to help you get acquainted with the game.

Our Benefits – 76 First Impressions

"Fallout 76 is trying to create some meaningful new ideas for the show, but with a few exceptions, they significantly mitigate many aspects of the game. The multiplayer mode is fun, but it's not an ideal way to enjoy the quests The shooting mechanism is not powerful enough to make intense combat activities enjoyable for long periods of time.Some things feel better solo, but the lack of characters in the universe makes the emotional investment in the world and your tough goals. "Read the full impressions of the first review.

What is Fallout 76?

Fallout 76 is a precedent of all previous Fallout games. In 2102, you play as a Vault 76 resident who emerges from the shelter 25 years after the bombs fell on America. Your task is simple: explore what remains of post-apocalyptic America and rebuild civilization.

Longtime fans will probably recognize the Vault 76; Although this is not a place we visited before, it's not the first time the show has talked about it. Fallout 3 and 4 mention it. According to Fallout Wikia, this West Virginia-based vault was occupied by 500 of America's brightest minds. Unlike the more grotesque experimental chests of the Fallout Universe, Vault 76 is a control chest intended to be open about 20 years after a nuclear war. But if the safe was to open 20 years after the fall of the bombs, why 25 years have they passed? The story holds a few surprises for those who are ready to meet its many challenges.

Fallout 76 uses the build engine, the same engine used to build Fallout 4, but it will have much more graphic detail than its predecessor. Game Director Todd Howard said Fallout 76 has a new rendering and lighting technology that allows "16-fold" details.

Who develops it?

Bethesda Game Studios, the Maryland-based developer and leader of the Elder Scrolls series, as well as Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, is currently working on the game. In addition, Austin's Bethesda Game Studios – formerly BattleCry Studios – helped fine-tune the authoring engine to support the multiplayer feature.

Is it an online survival game?

Fallout 76 is a different type of game from its predecessors. It's "fully online", but do not worry, you can also play solo. According to Bethesda, the idea of ​​adopting this approach to survival in an open world appeared four years ago, when she began working on creating a multiplayer experience of Fallout. Howard has termed the survival game's approach of "softcore", which means that death does not mean loss of progression.

You can form a party with up to three other players. You will not be able to manage your location in the servers when you log in, because you will be automatically inserted into a session with others when you start the game. Of course, you also have the option to join your friends and to play together.

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Howard commented that Fallout 76 would have dedicated servers that will support the game "now and in the years to come". At launch, there will only be public servers, but Bethesda plans to introduce private servers that will allow players to invite their friends to play to prevent unwanted behavior.

Some classic mechanisms of the previous games will be modified to adapt to the passage to the online game. For example, V.A.T.S has been reconfigured to work in real time, while allowing players to target specific parts of the enemy's body. But this time, it has been updated to become a tool for detecting environmental hazards.

How big is the world?

According to Howard, the world of Fallout 76 is four times larger than that of Fallout 4. There are six different regions to explore, each with its own style, risk, and rewards. Confirmed areas include the West Virginia Capitol, Greenbrier, Woodburn Circle, New River Gorge Bridge and Camden Park. Each area contains a variety of new creatures to meet, some of which are based on the folklore of West Virginia. You can take the full map in the image below.

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What can you do?

As in previous games, players spend most of their time exploring and completing quests. However, Fallout 76 does not contain any non-player human characters because all surviving humans are controlled by active players. Instead, the game uses a combination of robot NPCs, collection recordings and environmental storytelling to give players what they need to piece together quests and story in general.

Because the game is about rebuilding the world, there are basic building blocks similar to Fallout 4. You can set up databases anywhere using an element called the Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform. or CAMP These can be placed in the world and allow you to build an impromptu camp. We could see the player laying walls and decorating the base with pool tables, toilets and other household items. As indicated by the "mobile platform" part of the name, your PAC can also be retrieved and moved, allowing you to move your base around the world.

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Although you can help build the world, you can also destroy it. If you have the necessary nuclear launch codes, it is actually possible to access a missile silo to launch a nuclear charge at any point on the map. This irradiates the chosen area, but also reveals weapons, equipment and rare objects. Beware; Attacking an area also causes the emergence of more powerful enemies, making survival more difficult. But do not be discouraged by this, the C.A.M.P. The Blueprint system allows players to quickly rebuild their homes and if they are aware of the threats, they can pack their bags and move elsewhere.

As an online experience, the player's choice is extremely important, even going as far as giving players the freedom to choose who the heroes are and who are the bad guys. The first images showed multiple players engaged in friendly fights and activities, which seems to indicate that players are free to choose their way into the world of Fallout 76.

How does the creation and progression of the character work?

There are character creation tools similar to Fallout 4. However, you are free to change your appearance at any time. In addition, you can also use the new photo mode of the game during the creation process to better see the appearance of your character, as well as take pictures that you can share on social networks.

The SPECIAL system is coming back and it's a little different. Like the previous games, SPECIAL includes the following stats: Strength, Perception, Stamina, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Chance. You have one point to add to any of these statistics each time you level up. The first thing you do when you go out of the safe is to choose a SPECIAL, then an advantage in that particular SPECIAL. Essentially, each SPECIAL is a set of points for your benefits.

But unlike previous games, the benefits are now cards that you can equip and unlock when you position yourself in a given SPECIAL; However, you can exchange cards at any time if you want to change your version. Each SPECIAL feature you develop has a limit of 15 Perk cards. These Perk cards can be upgraded from 1 to 5 points to increase their power.

You can get additional Perk cards through Perk card packs (four random cards), you win all two levels at the start (1-10), then every 5 thereafter. You can also choose a benefit card by level, usually from your choice SPECIAL. There are hundreds of cards that you can unlock. Therefore, the ranks of SPECIAL close naturally after a certain time (you gain a SPECIAL rank each time you go up). At level 50, you will stop increasing the SPECIAL ranks, but you will still get card packs.

How does PvP work?

When you shoot at someone, you do some damage, which can be likened to slapping him slightly to challenge him to a duel. In response to this, the other player may choose to ignore or engage. If they engage in a battle with you, they will begin to suffer all the damage. Whoever is killed in this PvP match will have the option to take revenge. This gives this person the opportunity to get double the rewards awarded.

If you prefer to ignore a PvP match, there is no way to escape death – despite the small damage inflicted on you during the initiation phase. However, if you are killed by a player in these circumstances, that player becomes a wanted assassin and will not receive any reward for killing you.

A wanted murderer is marked on the map as a red star and a bonus is placed on his head. Players seeking to use this bonus are not visible on the killer's card. If the murderer is killed, the money from this bonus is taken out of his stock.

In order to give players time to properly acclimate to how Fallout 76 is played, PvP will not be available until level five. And if you perish from a PvP encounter, the only thing you will lose is junk food that you have collected, which can be recovered after death if it is not already recovered by other players . You can still store junkings in caches found around the world, to protect part of your stock. Armor and weapons are kept in your inventory after your death.

How it works: our in-depth overview

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We recently had the chance to work with a version of Fallout 76. This looks like Fallout 4, but it contains new additions that subtly alter the paradigm established by previous entries in the series. We experienced three hours of play, exploring much of the opening area while completing quests and generally working in cooperation with the players around us. There is a lot to be told about how the future open world multiplayer RPG is open, so be sure to watch the video above and read our thoughts in depth in our detailed overview detailing what we need to play.

A voice chat?

It is possible to discuss with your teammates and even with strangers you discover in the world. It's based on the region, so your ability to hear other games will vary. But if you do not want to have anything to do with strangers, it is possible to completely cut their voices.

Guides and what to do first

Fallout 76 is a huge game that can overwhelm you at the very beginning. To help relieve the pain of coming out of Vault 76, we have gathered some recommendations of where to go first. But if you want a complete overview of what you need to know before you start, check out our Beginner's Guide to Fallout 76. In addition, we have guides on Perk cards and Power Armor slots.

Release date

Fallout 76 is under development for PC, PS4 and Xbox One and is scheduled for release on November 14th. Unfortunately, nothing is known about a launch of Nintendo Switch, which did not seem out of the question after Skyrim's revival. the release made to this platform.

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