Fallout 76 Xbox One Beta Was An "Amazing Start," Says Bethesda


Fallout 76 had its first beta test on October 23. The test was only four hours long and exclusive to Xbox One, but Bethesda tweeted out that it was an "amazing start" for the game. You can watch GameSpot video play Ben Janca and video producer Jean-Luc Seipke play through the Xbox One beta in the video above.

All in all, everything went pretty well considering it was a beta test. Ben's game crashed once at the start, and Jean-Luc faced some troublesome issues when trying to join a party. There were some minor performance issues, but that could have been a result of the stream. More worrying were the severe frame rate drops when they played together and the noticeable lag when facing multiple enemies.

Bethesda has released a statement that says Fallout 76 still has plenty of fixes and troubleshooting sessions in its future. "Bethesda wrote about what we're doing with 76, we know we're opening up to everyone." "Some we're aware of, such as areas where performance needs to be improved with lots of players." The letter also continues to be used.

Another Fallout 76 beta – again for Xbox One – is scheduled for October 27 and there 's one for Xbox One, PS4, and PC scheduled for October 30. game. However, even if you do pre-order Fallout 76, you can not get access to every upcoming test as Bethesda is inviting concentrated chunks of players to different betas. Fallout 76 releases on November 14 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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