Fallout 76's Framerate exploit leads to hilarious hacks – Game Rant


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the Fallout 76 The beta is currently underway on PC, giving fans an opportunity to test the game themselves and see how well the move to online multiplayer went well. But the beta also allows players to discover various bugs and technical problems related to the game. The latest is both disastrous and hilarious.

PC gamers have discovered that by editing a few lines of code in the game files, they can unlock the framerate. This should, in theory, allow the game to improve dramatically on more powerful computers, but it also has the side effect of giving players a fast hack. It seems that Fallout 76The physical system is connected to the number of frames per second and the higher the number of frames per second, the faster the game will evolve.

In a video on YouTube, a player who has modified the file and disabled V-sync sync is able to zoom in on a house at amazing speed. As the number of frames per second increases, the playback speed also increases. Incredibly, technically, the player just walks around, but because of the way physics and framerates are related, it makes them look like Fall version of Usain Bolt.

But that's not the only way to Fallout 76 players could move faster. In less demanding places Fallout 76 or when you look at the floor, the number of frames per second also increases dramatically. As such, players can move much faster in certain areas simply by looking at the ground. While this is a fun way to get around, it also helps them get away from their enemies (or players who attacked them) much more quickly.

The fact that the game is currently connecting physics to the number of frames per second is not a new discovery and that the problem stems from the engine used by the studio to create its games. Bethesda confirmed that she was aware of the problem but said a patch would not be available until it was released. Of course, many people question the fact that this issue has not been resolved during development, since everyone (even the fans) has been aware of it for some time.

Bethesda has already warned fans that Fallout 76 that potentially "spectacular" bugs could occur. The studio games are also known as buggies, so the fans have prepared for some youth problems. Some did not expect as big a problem as this fast-speed feat, which left some fans skeptical about the game.

Fallout 76 Released November 14, 2018 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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