Fans of Smash Bros. are at war to know if the latest rumors are true


Image: Nintendo

Who else will play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a game that has already been announced to present all the previous smash character with a handful of newcomers? A brand new "leak", totally unverified and likely to be a fake, polarizes the smash community and has led to nonstop dramas over the past week.

Alignments are a big problem in any fighting game, especially the smash series, which slowly adds larger and more bizarre names to each new entry, from street fighterRyu to Final Fantasy VIICloud Strife. With each new smash New rumors circulate, ranging from the purest (a leak of 2014 revealed all Smash 4Alignment) to completely absurd. The new rumor, which promises the additions of Banjo Kazooie and Geno's Super Mario RPG, is much closer to the latter, but it still caused the agitation among fans of Nintendo.

While some immediately equated to a gospel, others rejected it as another false track. These camps quickly evolved into #teamreal and #teamfake, with controversial debates raging in places like Reddit, ResetERA and GameFAQs that only Nintendo can solve. And many hope that society will do just that, offering official answers at its dedicated meetings. Smash Bros. Directly scheduled for Thursday at 10 o'clock. The alternative would be a community of fans already on the verge of leaving to dig deeper into extravagant plot theories.

The escape of Grinch.
Image: Grinch leak (Imgur)

It all began on October 24, when images from the Snapchat video started circulating online. They appeared to be marketing materials for Smash Bros. Ultimate, and included a long, thin piece of banner with each character revealed, as well as others not. In a ResetEra thread, fans began to decipher the image, apparently describing new characters by comparing the banner artwork to previous versions. They thought they had discovered that it was the Kazooie banjo of Rare and d & # 39; gold SunIs Isaac.

Here is the complete list that they constituted:

  • Shadow the hedgehog (Sonic the hedgehog)
  • Banjo-Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie)
  • Isaac (Golden sun)
  • Ken (street fighter)
  • Mach Rider (Mach Rider)
  • Geno (Super Mario RPG: The legend of the seven stars)
  • Choir Children (Rhythm Heaven)

At first glance, the names seemed to be simply random and yet reasonable enough to be convincing. There was indirect evidence that seemed to give credit to the leak, including the existence of a promotional image for the new film Grinch in the marketing documents folder. The rumor was later known as "Grinch's Leak", its most fervent followers claiming that Grinch's image was different from any existing promotional art, so that if anyone one had simulated the leak, he should have created a unique piece of Grinch art in the process.

The escape of Grinch after a few hours on the Internet.
Screenshot: ResetEra

In addition, banner leaks seem to match the evolving nature of Nintendo's own software. Smash Bros. banner art, in which the characters moved to make room for the newly revealed ones in a seemingly pre-planned pattern. Last live from Nintendo had to be initially delayed following an earthquake in Japan. During this live, Nintendo revealed that Crossing of animalsIsabelle would join the new smashand when you changed the banner to reflect that, a person from Nintendo cut part of Little Mac's hand, which suggested that there was another character that was supposed to be there that could have been cut off during the earthquake. Golden sunIsaac could use a seismic attack. Could Nintendo have removed it from the banner at the last minute, forgetting to restore Little Mac's hand in the process?

The existence of a blackened name at the top left of the picture was less distinct and simpler. 4chan posters claimed to find him in the LinkedIn profile of someone who had worked for a French marketing company called Marina PLV. On its website, the company lists Bandai Namco, the developing company Smash Bros. Ultimate in collaboration with Nintendo, as a customer. People assumed that Grinch's random promo meant that the company was working the same way for Universal. Elsewhere in the escape, an image claimed to show one of the levels of the new game without any character that has never been published before. Basically, if Grinch's escape was a hoax, she was apparently incredibly elaborate.

Where the hand of Little Mac cut in the last version of the banner compared to that where Isaac appears in the leak.
GIF: Reddit

At the end of the day, others questioned this hypothesis. At 10 o'clock in the evening. Wednesday night, the artist Vaanrose went into detail by analyzing the apparent divergences between the background of the banner image that has leaked and the background of the official art. Some clouds had different shapes, others had disappeared and some shadows and reflections did not seem to match. YouTuber Artsy Omni, who in 2015 simulated a Rayman leak being added to Smash Bros. Wii U, then made a video following Vaanrose's tweet, corroborating Vaanrose's analysis, convincing some people that the leak was thinner than they had originally thought.

And of course, there was a general lack of evidence or corroborating evidence of the escape that existed independently of it. In a long thread Twitter, the user NantenGex argued that the images were no more difficult to simulate than most fan images of the game, and that it was suspicious that the person from Snapchat would origin that would have leaked the images did not do a better job. to try to protect the identity of their friend so that it is not easy to find it in a public LinkedIn profile.

Others felt that the pieces had fallen into place a little too easily. Some have argued that the fuzzy art of the so-called new characters was very much like models smash fan artist named Pepy. On October 25th on Facebook, Marina PVL, the French marketing company associated with the leak, announced that, although the person involved in the leak had one day worked for her, she had left in 2016 and, although the company had worked with Namco Bandai, it was not about anything related to Smash Bros.

On October 27, Emily Rogers, someone who shared Nintendo leaks in the past, says on Twitter"I would not buy what the leak Grinch was selling." Since Rogers, a long-standing rumor about Nintendo, had claimed last February that Nintendo would release a Smash Bros. game later in the year, weeks before the Nintendo announcement Smash Bros. Ultimate in his March Direct, his dismissal weighed heavily. Teamfake felt stronger and the line between the two sides became clear.

But then, things got a little stranger, someone citing a Grinch photo on a Nintendo stand folder at Comic Con London and posting a video at Subreddit Smash. Some have interpreted this as an unlikely rationale for the original leak, while others have assumed that it was simply someone who hunts down a community of most fans. credulous.

While an unofficial Survey on ResetEra has a head start on Teamreal, members of other sites like GameFAQ have generally been much more skeptical about Grinch's escape. On Reddit, after discussing the initial leak, people have gone a bit to discuss how both sides will appropriate their defeats according to what Nintendo will finally announce. A member of Teamfake said that if it turned out real, it would make a video of its destruction Smash Bros. by other players. On the other hand, many of Teamreal's most enthusiastic supporters acknowledged that if they were wrong, they would simply like to know how such a convincing forgery was made. "I'm the Grinch team," said a Reddit user. "If the real wins, the Grinch will become the biggest loser in history. If it's not true, the Grinch will have really ruined everyone's pleasure by producing huge amounts of salt. "

The worst thing that can happen is that if Nintendo passes all of Thursday's Direct to focus primarily on others Smash Bros. Ultimate unknown, like its new single-player mode, which some call "Spirits"And turn around the ghosts of Smash somehow. If Nintendo spent 40 minutes answering all the questions about the upcoming game, with the exception of the final characters, the smash The community may not be coming out of the game on December 7th.

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