Fashion Photo of Shadow of the Tomb Raider in Trailer


shadow of the grave robber's photo mode

We are less than a week away from Shadow of the Tomb RaiderBut if you still need something to remember, here's a brand new trailer that showcases the game's beautiful surroundings and its photo mode.

As Lara Croft, players will have the opportunity to browse and browse "dynamic, varied and perfect" places, including the streets of Cozumel and the Amazon jungle. Speaking of perfect image, the game's photo mode is loaded with options that guarantee breathtaking images.

For those who have not played tomb RaiderEidos Montreal has also released a trailer that traces the story so far. The video below includes important cutscenes of 2013 tomb Raider restart and 2015 Rise of the Tomb Raider. If you are concerned about spoilers, we suggest you skip this one.

The brief overview below accompanies the trailer:

In conclusion to her original story, Lara Croft is more capable and motivated than ever Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It will stop at nothing to save the world from a Mayan apocalypse and, in doing so, will become the Tomb Raider it is destined to be.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be released on September 14, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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