Festival of the Lost Haunts Destiny 2 tomorrow


reThe first seasonal event of estiny 2 after Forsaken will come into play tomorrow, and it looks like Bungie is keen to meet the expectations of the latest expansion of the game. In recent years, Festival of the Lost was mainly characterized by a change of scenery and a special emphasis on "treasures", now called "brilliant engrams". This does not mean that the event does not propose to do. The last event, held in 2016, featured slightly adjusted strikes and a modified pvp version of Trials of Osiris; known as "spooky lawsuits", this version of Trials removed the radar, prevented teammates from reigniting, and added a scary filter to ADS. It was not a lot, but it was something, and it seems that Bungie wants to continue this momentum in the version of this year's event.

As shown in the trailer above, special masks and emotes are still an integral part of the Festival of the Lost, but their importance seems to be somewhat less than in the past. This time, the focus seems to be on the "haunted forest" and a quest that will draw the guardians into its darkest depths. It's probably just the Vex that explores the darkest timeline, but there's a chance that something significant has happened. Maybe the arrival of another worm or invasion Taken?

On top of that, goalies can collect new bonuses, pursue new triumphs and work towards the brand new "Horror Story" auto rifle. Even though the changes brought by this event are not all in the world, they will probably want to play to acquire this weapon because it falls to a maximum power of 600, is fully mastered and has both the "Moment" and "Rampage" . In other words, this weapon is a PvE beast!

Finally, tutors can also expect to receive Bright Engrams at double the normal rate. Eververse will probably be presenting most of the coolest cosmetics yet again, so it's nice to see Bungie take steps to find a better balance between playing to win and having to pay more for the desired content. It would be better if the Eververse were not there, but it's at least a decent compromise.

The Feast of the Lost starts on October 15th and ends on November 6th.

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