Final Destination is back with a new look for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


If there is a Smash defined scene at any level, it is Final destination. This flat, unadorned stage has been considered the purest testing ground for a long time, and even if that attitude faded somewhat, it still stands next to Battlefield in the stages of Super Smash Bros.

Initially absent from the E3 ads, we saw it briefly during the last Smash Direct. It seems to get the most out of Smash for the Wii U version of the scene in terms of aesthetics (but with even more flair in the stage platform) while still maintaining its flat presentation. The background is the true star, shining from light to darkness and disaster as the battle progresses. Try not to be distracted; we still have a few months before December.

Written by Ricky Berg

When he's not writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky anticipates the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars line up, Mother 3 will come out. Until then, he will have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros.

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