First benchmarks for MacBook Pro with new Vega graphics from Radeon Pro


Last week, Apple introduced new upgrade options for the high-end 15-inch MacBook Pro, allowing customers to add Radeon Pro Vega 16 and 20 graphics cards to the device for performance superior graphics.

Landmarks for the 15 inch Macbook Pro models equipped with the option Radeon Pro Vega 20 were shared by a MacRumeurs reader, giving us an idea of ​​performance improvements over the 15-inch Macbook Pro models with the standard Radeon Pro 560X graphics card that was previously the most upscale option available.

The machine, which includes a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, a Radeon Pro Vega 20 graphics card, 16 GB of RAM and a 1 TB SSD, achieved an OpenCL score of 72799. Additional performance tests were found on Geekbench with a similar machine using an upgraded Core i9. OpenCL demonstrated processor scores of 75817, 76017 and 80002.

In another reference downloaded on Geekbench, the new high-end system Macbook Pro with the Core i9 processor also achieved a Metal score of 73953.

Comparatively, machines with similar specifications and Radeon Pro 560X graphics cards on Geekbench achieved maximum OpenCL scores of around 65,000 and Metal scores of around 57,000, suggesting much better graphics performance with the new Radeon Pro Vega 20 card.

At the present time, performance tests are only available for the high-end Radeon Pro Vega 20 card, no data available for the Radeon Pro Vega 16 card. CPU benchmarks on Geekbench between machines using the new cards and existing cards are similar because no changes have been made to the CPU.

The new Radeon Pro Vega graphics cards can only be added to the high-end MacBook Pro 15-inch model, which starts at $ 2,799. The Radeon Pro Vega 16 costs $ 250 extra, while the Radeon Pro Vega 20 costs $ 350 extra.

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