First impressions of the new owners of the iPad Pro 2018


We have already seen reviews of iPad Pro from multimedia sites that Apple had invited to test before the release of the tablet, but now that the iPad Pro has been officially launched, the first impressions of Usual Apple customers are now available.

New iPad Pro owners on Reddit, Twitter and the MacRumeurs the forums have shared their opinions on the device, and for those considering a purchase, average consumer reviews provide useful information.

MacRumeurs The TrueBlou player shared some pictures from the old 12.9 inches iPad Pro next to the thinner and thinner 2018 12.9 inch 2018 version, which shows just how much the new model is much smaller. He says the difference is an "incredible improvement".

It's an amazing improvement, I really can not overestimate the magnitude of the difference. It's one of my favorite things on the new iPad.

It's not just the fact that it's smaller, lighter and thinner, which of course is the case. But the combination of all these things also slightly changes its center of gravity and it is really noticeable.

The user of Reddit SlightCriticism offered a look at the 10.5-inch iPad Pro on the new 12.9-inch model, which gives a good idea of ​​the size of the 12.9-inch model.

He says he's finally going to trade the 12.9-inch model against the 11-inch because the 12.9-inch model is still too heavy for one-handed use.

I had a first gen 12.9 which was too big and sprinted for 10.5 when it came out last year. I found the original 12.9 too hard to fit in the train, etc., but the 10.5 is the perfect companion. The extra screen space I missed, but its size was harming my productivity and I decided to enjoy it more. I really thought that reducing the size of this generation was going to be the ideal solution for me and my first impressions were positive, but after using it for a while, I found it still a bit too heavy for extended use on one hand. Of course, this is not the case for everyone and I am sure many people will find it of an incredible size.

MacRumeurs The ryuok player pointed out that because the new 11 inches iPad uses a different aspect ratio, un-updated applications have black bars on both sides. Applications will eventually get updates, but you have to be aware of that.

A 12.9 inches iPad Pro with black bars via MacRumeurs jun180 player

There are two types of black bars:

1) Black bars with rounded corners: this situation is similar to that of the iPhone X, before the applications are updated to fit the extra spaces extended by the rounded corners. This concerns both the 11 "model and the 12.9" model.

2) Black bars of the ratio height / width: this only occurs on 11 ", and it is much worse and much more to report that the" black bars with rounded corners. "If an application is not not coded for a dynamic fit to the aspect ratio, you'll see horribly big black bars, especially in landscape mode. iPad mini-sized application, in an 11 "screen This is for the most popular apps like Facebook and Netflix.

The Reddit user atru22 said that the new Smart Keyboard Folio took a while to get used to, but he liked it a lot more than the keyboard of the previous generation. He also said that the 12.9-inch model felt surprisingly small.

Image via the user Reddit atru22

On the theme of the pencil Apple, the user of Reddit, essjay2009, said that the pencil feels quite different in the hand and that there is more friction when using it. The load and the matching are of course much improved, since one just needs a magnetic attachment to the iPad Pro.

I will say that the pencil is very different in the hand. It's a little shorter but it makes a huge difference. I've always thought that Gen 1 felt a little ridiculously big. It looks more like a normal pencil. The double-strike feature is really nice and much more forgiving than I expected. I thought you would have to type precisely at a certain place, but there seems to be a double tapping pretty much anywhere that is reasonable.

Twinning and loading are much better. And this comes from someone who has not had any particular problem with the way the former has accused.

Dvegi, the user of Reddit, also thought that there was a much better trail with the Apple Pencil 2 and the iPad ProThe new display of.

So, I just wanted you to know that there is a much better trail with the Apple Pencil 2 and the iPad Pro, that before (many people did not like the pencil feel on the glass and therefore resorted to a matte screen protector, but the new iPad Pro!)

Reddit user GottaDeal confirms that the new iPad Pro The on-screen keyboard has a 12.9-inch keyboard layout thanks to the extra space available when removing frames. It offers tabs, caps lock and left shift keys, unlike 10.5-inch models. iPad Pro.

MacRumeurs Ninethirty player was not a fan of the Smart keyboard Folio, calling it a "design nightmare".

I have my 12.9 today. the iPad itself is absolutely beautiful, but the smart folio keyboard design is awful. It does not bend as easily as the previous keyboard, it makes everything much thicker and, frankly, the materials of the folio itself seem cheap, which is a pity. But worst of all, when you fold the folio on the back of the ipad, to hold and watch a video or whatever, the keys are exposed on the back.

MacRumeurs The broadfarrva reader did not agree, however, saying that he liked her a lot and that he was impressed by the touch sensation.

In fact, I like it a little bit. I was a little afraid that the keyboard does not look like MacBook butterfly keyboards, but it is not. Damn, if the MacBooks had keys that looked like that, they would not be so bad. Admittedly, typing is very infrequent, but returns are much better than MacBook keyboards.

Have a new 2018 iPad Pro? Share your first impressions and photos in the comments below. We will have an unboxing video and our own video later today, so make sure you stay tuned MacRumeurs for more iPad Pro blanket.

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