Five (minor) problems with & # 39; Destiny 2: Forsaken & # 39; Right Now

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Destiny 2Bungie

If you read all that I wrote last week, you will know that I am absolutely in love Destiny 2Expansion abandoned. It exceeded my rather high expectations for downloadable content, which I had already hoped before launch, and that everything would be fine.

Almost all.

I could not write an article about "bigger problems" because these problems are relatively minor. And yet, I still wanted to address them because I think they need to be repaired. And also, it's destiny, I have to complain about Something. So let's go


1. Infusion costs

I do not think anyone expected such significant changes in the perfusion economy, which cost only a few legendary fragments, but from 10 to 25, plus planetary materials, plus a stack of lights and even masterpieces. The exception to this rule is that when you have two objects of the same name, it only costs points, but I do not think these changes are for the better.

First, I can ship with everything else, but the basic requirement must disappear. Now that it costs 25 hearts to master a weapon, these are more valuable than ever. After this time, I think there should be a sliding scale, just as the type of weapons at least should further reduce costs, which does not seem to be the case. I totally agree with a slightly higher infusion cost, but I think the changes have gone too far and that I speak as someone who has a tonne stored materials. I can not imagine how that feels for the more normal players.


2. Mod Rarity

Even if some changes to the loot scare suit me, like no longer seeing exotic drops, I do not quite understand why the new mods seem to drop even less than the exotics. In probably 200 pieces of legendary material, I saw Three Come attached with mods that I could extract by dismantling. I have more exotic news than mods. Yes, you can buy one armor and a Banshee weapon every day, but soon your mod components will be dry.

Although I understand why certain mods might be rare, ie. Daydreams about the city, raid, etc. It seems like a waste of time to put this new mod system in place and to make sure that people can not experience it because of the scarcity of mods. Like really, would it hurt you to drop a single "faster recharge mod" in my last 200 legendary drops? I realize we were drowning in mods previously under the old system, but I do not understand the change of the pendulum so that they are practically non-existent now. I want to play with this reworked system but with three total mods on three characters in almost 40 hours of play, it's impossible.

Destiny 2Bungie

3. Search patrol bonuses

I really like Spider's new bonuses, especially the ultra-tough weekly adventure, but the exception would be one that drives you to go into a patrol zone and wait for a "high value target".

First of all, if it has to be one thing, each high-value target must be a wanted enemy, do not generate 2 or 3 normal targets for each target you generate, or ask players for a target. sit together. area doing nothing for an hour to get a single premium.

After that, when they wanted enemies make appears, since everyone chases the same, you will often encounter the situation where you simply can not find where the enemy appeared before one of the other players level 50/500 + burns it. It's infuriating.

Maybe if they breed more often and more regularly, that would be good, but for now, I to hate these bonuses because they feel like a colossal waste of time.

Destiny 2Bungie

4. Gambit Sleeper Simulator

Well, I'm diving into this hole. I was ready to give it a chance, but no, Sleeping Simulant almost managed to make Gambit 50% worse than it would otherwise be. The weapon can burn any guardian in one shot. When you invade large open maps, you can kill three members of the enemy team before you know where you are. When you are invaded, you can shoot invaders through their shield, through their super. And there is no disadvantage in PvE to do it either, since it's a great tool for killing bosses.

I am do not call for a global nerve at Sleeper Simulant (I do not know if the other linear Fusions are so strong), but something must change. The invasion is really fun when you're creative with your abilities and abilities. It is not fun when 3 to 4 people in each team have Sleeper and that the invasion and invasion are only a series of strikes against those who can target with Sleeper in first.

I'd like to see a Gambit-specific solution here, as if a Sleeper body shot left you with a healthy glow, so it's not just a death insta. And that absolutely should not kill people through shields or complete hikes in this mode. Something must change here.


5. Total uselessness of Xur

Given all that had changed in the Forsaken era, I was surprised to see Xur arrive yesterday and be fair … more useless than ever.

Not only did he not sell Forsaken equipment, he did not have Engram Fated and he no longer sold Three of Coins. Sure, maybe he'll sell Forsaken stuff at the end and it was just a bad week, but frankly I'm a little tired of his "randomness" that lets things happen like that, including including the fact that he was selling two of the same items two weeks in a row. I'm not opposed to Bungie simply picking what he sells every week to make it less terrible.

Past this, since everyone has their own bonuses now, so why not Xur? Give us expensive exotic bonuses that take the whole week to finish and we can turn to an exotic engram the next time we see it. At this moment, he is in the worst state of its history for four years and he must really show love.

Bonus: Shader system is always bad

I do not care what changes have been made, consumable shaders are always a mess of eating stocks.

Well, that's all I have for more, but surely there are things that have missed me. Oh, and an important bug, Blind Well's problems prevent you from inserting Level 1 and Level 2 offers unless you open and close your inventory.

Suggestions from you? Hit me on Twitter.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Read my new science fiction novel HEROKILLER, who combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I have also written The trilogy of the earth.


If you read all that I wrote last week, you will know that I am absolutely in love Destiny 2Expansion abandoned. It exceeded my rather high expectations for downloadable content, which I had already hoped before launch, and that everything would be fine.

Almost all.

I could not write an article about "bigger problems" because these problems are relatively minor. And yet, I still wanted to address them because I think they need to be repaired. And also, it's destiny, I have to complain about Something. So let's go

1. Infusion costs

I do not think anyone expected such significant changes in the perfusion economy, which cost only a few legendary fragments, but from 10 to 25, plus planetary materials, plus a stack of lights and even masterpieces. The exception to this rule is that when you have two objects of the same name, it only costs points, but I do not think these changes are for the better.

First, I can ship with everything else, but the basic requirement must disappear. Now that it costs 25 hearts to master a weapon, these are more valuable than ever. After this time, I think there should be a sliding scale, just as the type of weapons at least should further reduce costs, which does not seem to be the case. I totally agree with a slightly higher infusion cost, but I think the changes have gone too far and that I speak as someone who has a tonne stored materials. I can not imagine how that feels for the more normal players.

2. Mod Rarity

Even if some changes to the loot scare suit me, like no longer seeing exotic drops, I do not quite understand why the new mods seem to drop even less than the exotics. In probably 200 pieces of legendary material, I saw Three Come attached with mods that I could extract by dismantling. I have more exotic news than mods. Yes, you can buy one armor and a Banshee weapon every day, but soon your mod components will be dry.

Although I understand why certain mods might be rare, ie. Daydreams about the city, raid, etc. It seems like a waste of time to put this new mod system in place and to make sure that people can not experience it because of the scarcity of mods. Like really, would it hurt you to drop a single "faster recharge mod" in my last 200 legendary drops? I realize we were drowning in mods previously under the old system, but I do not understand the change of the pendulum so that they are practically non-existent now. I want to play with this reworked system but with three total mods on three characters in almost 40 hours of play, it's impossible.

3. Search patrol bonuses

I really like Spider's new bonuses, especially the ultra-tough weekly adventure, but the exception would be one that drives you to go into a patrol zone and wait for a "high value target".

First of all, if it has to be one thing, each high-value target must be a wanted enemy, do not generate 2 or 3 normal targets for each target you generate, or ask players for a target. sit together. area doing nothing for an hour to get a single premium.

After that, when they wanted enemies make appears, since everyone chases the same, you will often encounter the situation where you simply can not find where the enemy appeared before one of the other players level 50/500 + burns it. It's infuriating.

Maybe if they breed more often and more regularly, that would be good, but for now, I to hate these bonuses because they feel like a colossal waste of time.

4. Gambit Sleeper Simulator

Well, I'm diving into this hole. I was ready to give it a chance, but no, Sleeping Simulant almost managed to make Gambit 50% worse than it would otherwise be. The weapon can burn any guardian in one shot. When you invade large open maps, you can kill three members of the enemy team before you know where you are. When you are invaded, you can shoot invaders through their shield, through their super. And there is no disadvantage in PvE to do it either, since it's a great tool for killing bosses.

I am do not call for a global nerve at Sleeper Simulant (I do not know if the other linear Fusions are so strong), but something must change. The invasion is really fun when you're creative with your abilities and abilities. It is not fun when 3 to 4 people in each team have Sleeper and that the invasion and invasion are only a series of strikes against those who can target with Sleeper in first.

I'd like to see a Gambit-specific solution here, as if a Sleeper body shot left you with a healthy glow, so it's not just a death insta. And that absolutely should not kill people through shields or complete hikes in this mode. Something must change here.

5. Total uselessness of Xur

Given all that had changed in the Forsaken era, I was surprised to see Xur arrive yesterday and be fair … more useless than ever.

Not only did he not sell Forsaken equipment, he did not have Engram Fated and he no longer sold Three of Coins. Sure, maybe he'll sell Forsaken stuff at the end and it was just a bad week, but frankly I'm a little tired of his "randomness" that lets things happen like that, including including the fact that he was selling two of the same items two weeks in a row. I'm not opposed to Bungie simply picking what he sells every week to make it less terrible.

Past this, since everyone has their own bonuses now, so why not Xur? Give us expensive exotic bonuses that take the whole week to finish and we can turn to an exotic engram the next time we see it. At this moment, he is in the worst state of its history for four years and he must really show love.

Bonus: Shader system is always bad

I do not care what changes have been made, consumable shaders are always a mess of eating stocks.

Well, that's all I have for more, but surely there are things that have missed me. Oh, and an important bug, Blind Well's problems prevent you from inserting Level 1 and Level 2 offers unless you open and close your inventory.

Suggestions from you? Hit me on Twitter.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Read my new science fiction novel HEROKILLER, who combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I have also written The trilogy of the earth.

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