Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (Blackout)Activision / Treyarch

For the first time in years, the new "Call of Duty" has something really new: a Battle Royale mode, like "Fortnite" and "BattleUnknown" Battlegrounds.

It still has the traditional multiplayer modes such as Control and Deathmatch, as well as the fan favorite "Zombies" mode, but the big addition to "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" is the Battle Royale: Blackout mode.

In a surprising twist, the "Call of Duty" version of the incredibly popular Battle Royale game type is an innovative and innovative version of Battle Royale – rather than the copy mode that many expected. It's so good, in fact, that "Fortnite" and the rest of the Battle Royale competition might inspire Blackout.