Forget "Fortnite" – the new "Call of Duty" brings 6 brilliant changes to the Battle Royale formula


1. The Blackout card is still huge, but it's small enough to easily cover the entire game.

1. The Blackout card is still huge, but it's small enough to easily cover the entire game.

The vast expanses of open world that you will find in games such as "Fortnite" and "PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds" ("PUBG") do not really exist in the Blackout "Call of Duty" mode.

Instead, it is quite easy to run from one main area to the other while stopping on the way to stock up in various abandoned houses and gas stations.

One of the cards of Blackout is a collage of major multiplayer cards "Call of Duty", all assembled:

The speed at which you can run from one place to another means less time spent running in terror, hoping that no one has seen you through the lens of a sniper rifle .

2. Vehicles, especially ATVs, are much better and easier to drive than any other Battle Royale game.

2. Vehicles, especially ATVs, are much better and easier to drive than any other Battle Royale game.

"Blackout" includes two main land vehicles: the above-mentioned ATV and a large platform truck. Both are delicious in their own way.

The ATV is incredibly fast and versatile. Of course, you are in the field, but you go so fast (and able to go down as fast) that the risk is worth the reward. And if you play duet? Your buddy can jump on his back and shoot fools while climbing another hill.

In the case of the truck, it's like driving a mobile bunker. Stop in a house, get out of the driver's seat and sit on the plateau: that's it! Instant cover!

In both cases, vehicles can cover vast areas of the map. No gas required (like "PUBG") and no chaotic driving physics (also like "PUBG"); no friends needed to push the basket (like "Fortnite").

4. The bonus system is a new and brilliant ride on Battle Royale.

4. The bonus system is a new and brilliant ride on Battle Royale.

One of the defining features of the multiplayer mode of "Call of Duty" is the concept of "benefits". The concept is not new in games: think of the benefits as a temporary power-up.

In the case of Blackout, you recover different types of benefits – brawler, or shooter, or doctor, or a variety of others – and they offer temporary … advantages.

In the case of Looter, for example, you can see the outline of a loot near your character. This is extremely useful because you can scan the loot of a building from the outside instead of running and sorting it by yourself. You may also notice that the loot is slowly disappearing from the house you are looking at – probably because someone catches it gently. And now you have the jump on it!

The use of a benefit at the right time in Black-out can make all the difference between life and death, and it's a brilliant new twist to the Battle Royale formula.

5. Forget concealment and healing – Blackout incorporates it into armed combat.

5. Forget concealment and healing - Blackout incorporates it into armed combat.

The formula for shootings in "Fortnite" is simple: do your best to defeat the enemy while building fast. If you start to run out of health, your best bet is to create a temporary shelter – hiding from the enemy while you are trying to heal for life using potions.

In "PUBG", the situation tends to be a little longer: taking sniper shots from far away, sometimes with a hidden healing moment.

In Blackout, healing is incredibly fast, and it's directly mapped to a button all the time. In addition, you can heal your initial total health amount (and even beyond). As such, healing is an essential component of the shootings in Blackout. If you only have a moment to heal, run it! Blackout not only allows this but encourages that kind of action.

6. There is only one type of weapon "rare": gold.

6. There is only one type of weapon "rare": gold.

Do you know what "Fortnite" does not need? A booty system of different color. Is this purple shotgun better than this green rifle? We do not care ?!

Apparently, the people behind "Blackout" were of the same opinion.

Blackout contains only one type of "rare" loot and these are gilded weapons like the rifle seen above. I do not mean that there is only one type of rare weapon, but that there is not one scarcity levels. Instead, you will sometimes find a truly rare and gilded weapon that is preloaded with all kinds of objects.

In the case of the sniper rifle seen above, it comes with a very long-sighted riflescope, a butt to increase stability, an extended magazine for extra bullets, and more.

In general, Blackout is a simplified and compact version of Battle Royale that gives the competition a quaint ("Fortnite") and disorderly ("PUBG") appearance.

In general, Blackout is a simplified and compact version of Battle Royale that gives the competition a quaint ("Fortnite") and disorderly ("PUBG") appearance.

Looking for a complete blackout review of "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4"? We have this here.

In summary, "Blackout" is a great new addition to the world of Battle Royale games, but it's probably not worth it to pay $ 60 for "Black Ops 4" to play a single game mode.

That said, "Blackout" brings major improvements to the Battle Royale formula popularized by games like "Fortnite" and "PUBG". Hopefully, some of these improvements will end up in both biggies – or maybe "Blackout" will become its own free mode? Hoping.

Discover Blackout in action here:

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