Former Telltale employee takes legal action as a result of collective redundancies


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Telltale Games has now been the victim of a class action. A disgruntled former employee sued the San Francisco-based company on behalf of himself and his sacked colleagues. In the complaint filed, Vernie Roberts stated that Telltale had let employees go without cause and without giving them written notice.

Roberts' complaint confirms that there were about 275 employees laid off. This figure includes the layoffs of September 21st. In addition to this, the complaint indicates that Telltale fired the employees without compensation.

As Polygon explains, a federal law states that companies with 100 full-time employees or more must give at least 60 days' notice when they undertake layoffs or mass closures or are subject to financial penalties. In this scenario, the company should provide employees with salary arrears and benefits for each day of violation.

In his complaint, Roberts stated that Telltale had not provided any notice to the dismissed employees. This means that Telltale could potentially have to provide each of the 275 employees with pay and benefits for 60 days after they were fired.

According to GameDaily, Telltale may be able to fight the lawsuit on the basis of a "commercial circumstance" exemption under federal law. The catch, as one lawyer explains, is the California equivalent of this act and contains no such clause.

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