Fortnite adds for the first time PVE to its royal battle •


Fortnite adds zombies to the Royal Battle for Halloween – the first nonhuman enemies you'll need to fight in this mode.

The undead will emerge new cube fragments on the map – large amounts lying in corrupted areas and smaller numbers randomly generated throughout a match.

Defeat the zombies – sorry, "Cube Monsters" – will give you loot and shields. See them in action via the new Fortnitemare trailer below:

This is the latest development with Kevin, the ever present purple cube of Fortnite, which has now exploded Loot / Leaky Lake Island. (TEAR)

Other changes that have taken place today include a time limited crossbow weapon, the ability to redeploy gliders, new challenges, and mini-games in the Playground mode.

The rocket launchers will now also shoot the pumpkins.

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