Fortnite: Battle Royale LTM Playground Coming Soon


Epic Games regularly adds new limited time modes to Fortnite: Battle Royale, and this will continue very soon with the addition of the Playground LTM. This is a mode mentioned by Epic some time ago, but it has just been confirmed by a message at stake.

"Let your creativity be unleashed on your own private island," reads the message. According to a blog post from about a month ago, Playground "will load you into the Battle Royale Map with some tweaked settings."

The message continues: "Fight and build as you wish with a long period of time to navigate the map and increase the production of resources. All treasure chests and ammo crates will be generated, tested in different locations. Friend Fire is running so you can mingle with your squad (up to 4 friends per game), but do not be afraid to reappear immediately.

It seems like the mode will act as a private server of sorts for you or your team. Here you can practice new strategies or hone your building skills without the risk of the enemy jumping on you.

Epic is also working to diversify the strategies used by Battle Royale players. In a separate blog post a few days ago, the company said it wanted to "continue to make changes to evolve the game to give players more ways to fight in combat and create more strategies to win the game." thu".

The latest Fortnite update has added Stink Bombs and more. The patch, version 4.4, is the first of the game since the launch of Battle Royale on Nintendo Switch. This occurred shortly after its confirmation at the Nintendo E3 press conference, although there have been leaks and rumors for some time.

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