Fortnite beats Red Dead Redemption 2 for the Golden Joysticks game of the year


The Golden Joystick Awards have determined that Subnautica, the underwater survival simulation that is really a disguised horror game (and if you do not believe me, try it from time to time and tell me how it goes) is the PC game of the year. CD Projekt's next Cyberpunk 2077 won the title of the most-wanted game, while Fortnite beat the Red Dead Redemption 2 PC heavyweight to win the Game of the Year title.

Fortnite is a phenomenon, of course, and although I would not necessarily say it's a better game than RDR2 alone, I do not see the Housers landing on Ellen so soon, or talking shit to a whole country simply because they can.

Subnautica, meanwhile, is spectacularly good: excellent as survival game, but with so much more under the surface (forgive the pun). He suffered from some insidious technical problems but was otherwise a serene, sublime and remarkably beautiful experience – except when bad things happen, and then it's a five alarm bell. Nope Back to the surface for a few minutes. (Or days.)

In other words, I am with the winners, but do not hesitate to discuss their merits in the comments. The complete list of winners is below:

  • Best story: God of the war
  • Studio of the year: Sony Santa Monica
  • Best New Streamer / Diffuser: Amelia Rose Blaire and Bryan Dechart
  • Mobile game of the year: Playerunknown Battlefields
  • Best competitive game: Fortnite
  • PC game of the year: Subnautica
  • PlayStation Year Game: God of the war
  • Best cooperative game: Monster Hunter World
  • Xbox game of the year: Forza Horizon 4
  • Best visual design: God of the war
  • Nintendo year game: Traveling Octopathus
  • Best independent game: Dead cells
  • Breakthrough Award: Unknown Worlds (Subnautica)
  • Most wanted game: Cyberpunk 2077
  • Price of the choice of the critics: Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Best audio: God of the war
  • Price still in play: World of tanks
  • Best performer: Bryan Dechart (Detroit: Becoming Human)
  • Outstanding contribution: Microsoft (Xbox adaptive controller)
  • Best VR game: Skyrim VR
  • Game of the year: Fortnite

The Lifetime Achievement 2018 Award was presented to Hidetaka Miyazaki, President of From Software and producer / director of Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and the upcoming Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

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