"Fortnite" begins teasing season 6, which begins Thursday


It's been more than two months since the fifth season of Fortnite started, so naturally, the developer Epic Games is making fun of Season 6 before it's released. The official Twitter account "Fortnite" displays daily images with associated countdowns at the beginning of season six, which is planned to start Thursday.

The first image of Season 6, released Monday, included a robotic lama on a lightning background and the mysterious purple cube that was seen in the game for several weeks. The second, posted Wednesday, shows a woman in cowboy outfit on a similar background.

For the uninitiated, "Fortnite" works in seasons that last two months at a time. When a new season begins, players are encouraged to spend $ 10 of game money called V-Bucks to access the exclusive rewards of the season. Essentially, players have the opportunity to pay a little money and quickly access new costumes, dances and more.

Each season has a different theme. Season 3 was about outer space while Season 4 was a riff on superhero movies. Epic's teaser footage for season 6 does not suggest a consistent theme yet, but GameSpot pointed out that it could be a bit of a throwback. The first anniversary of the royal battle mode that propelled "Fortnite" to fame is Wednesday.

GettyImages-972799818 The next season of "Fortnite" begins soon. Video game enthusiasts and industry staff visit the "Fortnite" exhibit at the Electronic Entertainment Expo E3 at the Los Angeles Convention Center on June 12, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Photo: Christian Petersen / Getty Images

The start of season 6 should see an increase in revenue thanks to the $ 10 Battle Pass. None of the awards given to Epic each season affects the gameplay, but the ability to spend money on them anyway.

In July, research firm Superdata concluded that players had spent more than $ 1 billion on "Fortnite" cosmetics. The game generates more than $ 2 million on iOS and Android only. The start of season 6, combined with the best month of August in August, means that Fortnite's success should not end soon.

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