Fortnite brings back the rare red knight's skin


Once upon a time, in the great land of Fortnite a rare Red Knight skin that everyone wanted and some of which had their hands. Then the skin is gone and, like many players, we assumed that he was retired forever and would be sitting in the legendary "chapel" that Apic Games has where they put objects that so-called will never see the light of day. Well … this is not the case this time. The company announced yesterday to Twitter that the legendary and sought-after skin would return to play on July 5th.

credit // Epic Games

The skin will be available in the Fortnite Shop ready to buy with the Crimson Ax. The skin has earned the reputation of being the female version of the Black Knight, which to our eyes already makes it cooler, and has only been introduced in the game a few times. One would think that people would be happy to see it coming back, but as it turned out, Reddit and Twitter were immediately inundated with indignant people who are annoyed that this skin will become a hot property that everyone will buy and make their less valuable versions. They say … save yourself, it's just a cosmetic.

(Last update July 4, 2018 23:36 )

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