Fortnite event will let 'creators' earn money through fan gaming purchases


Epic Games has announced a new "Support-A-Creator" event, which will begin Oct. 8 and will run until the end of the year, allowing creators to earn money in time real when their supporters will spend money. FortniteThe motto of the game

Players will be able to help creators by adding the creator's Epic tag in the Support a creator of the item store menu. FortniteBattle Royale mode. After that, the creator will earn money based on the total amount of V-dollars spent in the store by the people who support them. For some reason, this selection lasts only 14 days. Therefore, if you want to help a person after that, you must re-enter his tag.

To understand the facts: the creators will earn $ 5 per 10,000 V-dollars spent in total. If five people each spend 10,000 V-bucks at an event to support a creator, this creator will earn $ 25.

In their explanation of the event, Epic very clearly explains that there are specific guidelines for determining eligibility for the event, including having created Fortnite Content in the last 30 days, with 1,000 or more subscribers on a major social media platform and capable of receiving payment.

Although you may assume that this is primarily for streamers or YouTubers, Epic says there is a wide range of potential creators Fornite content that can apply for the program. They specifically call "videographers, streamers, storytellers, artists, cosplayers, musicians and community builders".

A creator must also agree to abide by a code of conduct that leaves Epic a great deal of discretion as to who can be part of the event. In addition to many other basic code of conduct rules, some parties stand out. In the "back" category, this includes:

  • Respect the other players. Be gracious in victory and defeat.
  • Use official Fortnite names of all weapons, outfits, points of interest and objects.

While the "no" have:

  • Engage in hate speech, threats, spam, harassment, discriminatory or illegal behavior.
  • To be too commercial or spammy.

It's not clear to me how, in the hundreds of thousands of hours of content that will be produced, Epic will enforce these rules, especially something as vague as making "too much spam" on platforms that Fundamentally require creators to suggest that you follow, subscribe and press a notification bell as often as possible. In any case, Epic seems very serious about the consequences:

"Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone invited to put an end to unacceptable behavior must comply immediately. If a participant adopts unacceptable behavior, Epic Games may take any action deemed appropriate, up to and including returning the program without notice. "

It is currently unclear whether this program will continue in any form after the end date of December 31, 2018 for this specific iteration of the Support-a-Creator event of limited duration.

Interested creators can find the application on the official website.

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