Fortnite guided missiles are temporarily removed after players report a permanent invisibility problem


Fortnite's guided missiles have proven somewhat problematic since they were added in March. At first, they were too powerful, and Epic Games removed them for three full months before restoring them, allowing players to discover that the speed of rotation of a missile was directly related to the rotational speed Yesterday, Epic had to remove them again for repairs, apparently because the players found a bug that makes you permanently invisible if you combine guided missiles with Shadow Stones.

As mentioned on Twitter and on this Reddit thread, players could stay invisible if they spammed shooting with a guided missile while consuming a shadow stone. They could run, pick up weapons, heal and shoot enemies in this state.

Epic did not mention the bug when he disabled the weapon – the Twitter account of the game simply said that the guided missiles had been "temporarily disabled while we were investigating a problem" – but this happened just hours after the players started talking about the problem. This also did not give time for the resolution of the problem.

In other missile-based news, an Epic employee confirmed on Reddit that the players' complaints about the missiles always heading straight north as soon as they were returned would be dealt with in a future patch.

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