"Fortnite" instantly cancels its terrible change of explosive damage

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You can say a lot about Epic, but not that they react slowly to fan comments. In this most recent patch that went live yesterday, Fortnite Implemented a modified Explosive Damage: Even if the players were behind a wall, they would still suffer 25% more damage during an explosion nearby.

Epic knew that it would be controversial, but explained that they were trying to promote aggression and discourage turtles. They even had a list of questions that they asked the community about the change:

  • Is 25% the right amount? And if it was lower?
  • Should all types of materials have the same reduction in damage? In other words, should the metal have a higher attenuation than wood?
  • Is the aggressive / defensive balance correct right now? What other methods could be useful to counter the excessively defensive game?

Well, the community has responded so forcefully how awful this change was, and Epic has already announced that it was canceling it a day after it went online. Here is their new statement:

"Hello everyone, we're going to reverse the changes to the explosion damage in yesterday's update. We really appreciate your comments on the subject! We have heard many expressions about how we can better engage aggressive players and we will keep this information in mind as we consider other options. We are working to ensure that the changes are canceled as soon as possible and we will update them once completed. "

Fortnite the players are notoriously opposed to everything that is perceived as a nerve to build, and although I think that sometimes they can go too far in dying on this hill, I have to agree with little everyone, amateurs and pros, that it was a very bad change. Taking splash damage while everything was looped meant that in particular, in the face of something like rocket launchers, you had virtually no recourse, since defending yourself with walls would cause too much damage from the change. or that running away would expose you. Likewise, this has greatly increased the quality of the third party because everyone could come in and send spam explosions through the walls during a fight in the process and cause random loss of life despite the damage caused by splashing. In short, it was just a bad idea.


You can take Epic reacting so quickly to this by reversing the change in two ways.

First, it's another example of Epic's ability to respond instantly and skillfully to fans' comments, to listen to the community and not to stubbornly force their vision when a change is so badly received by the players who play their game

You can also interpret that as being an epic really scared for a moment "jump the shark" for Fortnitea change that encourages existing players to say "screw what I'm out" and head to one of the other exciting games this fall. It seemed like a kind of negative change in the game. Epic did not want to let him last longer than the bare minimum once they realized that everyone hated him passionately.

Anyway, it's impressive to see a reversal as quickly. I am a destiny player where the changes in this game take about a month at the fastest and six months to never be at the slowest, even for urgent problems that have a negative impact on the game. Epic is ultra fast compared to Bungie, but to most developers.

I do not think this fix is ​​still operational, but it will be soon. I believe that the continuation of aggression is a good idea because Fortnite can being a little too tortuous in many cases, but it was definitely not the way to do it.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


You can say a lot about Epic, but not that they react slowly to fan comments. In this most recent patch that went live yesterday, Fortnite Implemented a modified Explosive Damage: Even if the players were behind a wall, they would still suffer 25% more damage during an explosion nearby.

Epic knew that it would be controversial, but explained that they were trying to promote aggression and discourage turtles. They even had a list of questions that they asked the community about the change:

  • Is 25% the right amount? And if it was lower?
  • Should all types of materials have the same reduction in damage? In other words, should the metal have a higher attenuation than wood?
  • Is the aggressive / defensive balance correct right now? What other methods could be useful to counter the excessively defensive game?

Well, the community has responded so forcefully how awful this change was, and Epic has already announced that it was canceling it a day after it went online. Here is their new statement:

"Hello everyone, we're going to reverse the changes to the explosion damage in yesterday's update. We really appreciate your comments on the subject! We have heard many expressions about how we can better engage aggressive players and we will keep this information in mind as we consider other options. We are working to ensure that the changes are canceled as soon as possible and we will update them once completed. "

Fortnite the players are notoriously opposed to everything that is perceived as a nerve to build, and although I think that sometimes they can go too far in dying on this hill, I have to agree with little everyone, amateurs and pros, that it was a very bad change. Taking splash damage while everything was looped meant that in particular, in the face of something like rocket launchers, you had virtually no recourse, since defending yourself with walls would cause too much damage from the change. or that running away would expose you. Likewise, this has greatly increased the quality of the third party because everyone could come in and send spam explosions through the walls during a fight in the process and cause random loss of life despite the damage caused by splashing. In short, it was just a bad idea.

You can take Epic reacting so quickly to this by reversing the change in two ways.

First, it's another example of Epic's ability to respond instantly and skillfully to fans' comments, to listen to the community and not to stubbornly force their vision when a change is so badly received by the players who play their game

You can also interpret that as being an epic really scared for a moment "jump the shark" for Fortnitea change that encourages existing players to say "screw what I'm out" and head to one of the other exciting games this fall. It seemed like a kind of negative change in the game. Epic did not want to let him last longer than the bare minimum once they realized that everyone hated him passionately.

Anyway, it's impressive to see a reversal as quickly. I am a destiny player where the changes in this game take about a month at the fastest and six months to never be at the slowest, even for urgent problems that have a negative impact on the game. Epic is ultra fast compared to Bungie, but to most developers.

I do not think this fix is ​​still operational, but it will be soon. I believe that the continuation of aggression is a good idea because Fortnite can being a little too tortuous in many cases, but it was definitely not the way to do it.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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