Fortnite partners with NFL to offer soccer jersey skins


NFL fans who shoot a few laps of Fortnite: Battle Royale At halftime, Monday Night Football will be able to wear the colors of its favorite team next week – at least virtually.

In an agreement between the NFL and Epic Games, the creators of the famous online video game, players will be able to purchase and customize NFL team outfits, or "skins," in FortniteThe Battle Royale Object Store.

In FortnitePlayers can spend money buying V-bucks, which they can take away to the virtual store, which will also feature football jokes, harvesting tools, paragliders and referee uniforms.

Beginning on Friday, players will be able to buy up to eight uniforms from 32 NFL teams, then customize the jersey with their own number, ranging from 1 to 99.

This is the first time Epic has teamed up to create player outfits for Fortnite. The movement speaks to the base of overlapping fans between Fortnite and the NFL, according to a press release announcing the deal.

"We see the popularity of Fortnite Every day at the NFL, many of our players are passionate about this game, "NFL spokesman Brian Rolapp said in a press release.

A spokesman for Epic Games declined to disclose details of the deal, including the length of time to download skins, the cost of NFL jerseys and the distribution of income. ESPN reports that the cost of each jersey equals about $ 15 in real money.

Fortnite, released in September 2017, is free on all gaming platforms and remains the most popular game on the Twitch live streaming platform. Earlier this year, the game surpassed $ 1 billion in revenue and surpassed bitcoin as a buzzword for business leaders during its financial results conversations.

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