Fortnite Playground Mode with Limited Lifetime Coming Soon


You have built a fort, is not it?

According to a greeting message Fortnite the players at the beginning of this week, a new game mode, limited in time, will be "coming" for the Battle Royale title of Epic Games.

The mode will modify the various mechanics of the game to allow the player to gain more time and resources to build larger and better battlements. Private cards will be available, as well as more treasure chests and ammunition. An instant reappearance will be active, allowing an endless skirmish game between buddies.

The mode is basically designed to alleviate some of the pressure exerted by the Battle Royale mechanic, allowing players to be truly creative with their build and fort designs. There is currently no specific launch date for the Playground mode (which will only be available temporarily in the game) but smart money is running in a week or two.

Fortnite is now available on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch

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