Fortnite SCAR to debut at Nerf next summer


Last September, FN SCAR made its virtual debut at FortniteRoyal battle mode popular as a legendary variant of the common assault rifle. Next summer, SCAR will debut at the Nerf as "AR-L Blaster", the first Nerf rifle to come out of the partnership between Epic Games and Hasbro. (Look for a whole line of them in 2019.)

The toy version of the gas-powered self-loading rifle will appear on the shelves on June 1, 2019 for $ 49.99 US, IGN reports. The AR-L Blaster features "fast-fire motorized blasting systems and flip-up sights", likely to help players hit more easily with foam darts.

The Nerf rifle is inspired by Fortnite's assault rifle, which looks a lot like its metal cousin: the Combat National Special Forces Combat Command Combat Assault Rifle in 2004. It entered the war in 2009, the 75th Ranger Regiment of the United States being the first major unit in combat to brandish weapons. (This version will cost you $ 3,4999.)

What's interesting is that most Nerf guns do not looks a lot like real weapons. The latest Nerf video guns announced that they were turning into plastic, for example, they came from Blizzard. Overwatch, whose aesthetic is almost as caricatural as that of Fortnite. His first gun? D.Va's light, pink, round and adorable blaster.

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