Fortnite's LTM Playgrounds is live


Update: After a premature launch and iteration days, the limited mode of Fortnite's Playgrounds is now available worldwide.

Epic challenged players to "give up and give free rein to their imagination," and delivered the news via Twitter and the next update from Reddit.

Community coordinator Sean Hamilton, aka MrPopoTFS, told him earlier about the subreddit:

Success! We have completed the deployment of our servers containing the improved mapping changes. All players can now play the game in the LTM Playground

Do not forget to change your region by selecting "auto select" and checking that you are on your preferred region. You may encounter an error because many players are trying to join this game mode. Try to queue again until you find a match.

We will publish in the near future a detailed and detailed post-mortem on the obstacles we encountered during the activation process. this time mode limited. But for now, give up and give free rein to your imagination!

Hamilton continues to rent Reddit mods from the game – the "unsung heroes" of the process – and is joined by other Epic employees to emphasize the hard work and efforts of the company. 39, team over the past few days.

Our original story follows.

Original Story:

When Epic Games rolled out its Time-limited playgrounds for Fortnite last week, it did not last long: Matchmaking errors were commonplace, prompting Epic to remove it for urgent fixes. But it seems that the mode will be rolled out internationally later today, according to an update on Reddit. Indeed, it is already available in Asia.

"We have completed our testing process for improvements to our mapping services and are deploying servers that will bring back the LTM Playground," writes the Epic Games message. You may notice that some regions or platforms have access to this LTM before others, which is intentional and allows us to gradually open this game mode to ease the stress of all backend services This process can take a long time. ready, our goal is to make it fully available to all players later tonight.

Playgrounds is a sandbox oriented mode that extends for one hour. . Construction resources are rewarded in larger quantities, allowing for a little more creativity with the construction of fort. But beware, there is a friendly shot.

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