Fortnite's monopoly unlocks money for weapons and chests


Fortnite fans can show their love for the game with all of a unicorn pickaxe has a Cuddle Team Leader mascot head.

Soon, players will be able to move from the Battle Bus to a version of Monopoly on the theme of the famous shooter. The board game of Epic Games and Hasbro is scheduled to be released on October 1st.

Donald Mustard, Global Creative Director of Epic Games, tweeted the first look at the art for the upcoming Monopoly Fortnite game Thursday.

Each property on the Monopoly sign has been replaced by a Fortnite Island location. The new Monopoly game easily identifies the palm trees of paradise, the dusty divot, the lazy link and the sloping towers.

The game also includes chests, traps and storm maps.

Instead of the usual Monopoly player chips, players can play as Skull Trooper, Nevermore and Omega, to name a few.

While the classic Go, Jail and Free Parking seats remain the same in the Fortnite version of Monopoly – the biggest change is the lack of money.

Instead of money, the game will use hit points like in the video game, reports IGN. This is not the first game of Monopoly to change the financial aspect of the game, but the theme is a little closer to the shooting game of the Royal Battle.

In another change, one die will be used for movement while the second will be for such actions as healing with a bandage, shooting another player with cross hair, building a wall protecting or deploying a bomb to target other players.

We contacted Hasbro to learn more about the shoot.

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