Fortune Rocket throws, cracks the sky


The rocket that was decompacted in Fortnite was finally launched at 1:30 EDT today, and what happened next was a little weirder than what we expected.

I could hear a horn screaming every few seconds, and before long the ground began to tremble with only what I can describe as "rocket launching noises." He began his slow climb into the sky.

Then something strange happened. There was a bang and the rocket rocked in the air before some sort of pod spurted and flew across this map.

Then, when I turned to strange warling noises, a big object appeared. I shot a red laser in the ground, making me think that I was definitely going to die, but I did not do it.

Immediately after, a large piece of sickly green metal crossed the map parallel to the ground. 19659007] Then time and space blinked in and out and something shot vertically into the sky, literally tearing it up . Looks like another universe is licking in the game of Fortnite . It's something Ogdru Jahad and if a giant tentacle comes out, you know things will get bad.

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