Forza Horizon 4 review in progress – A familiar beauty


Forza Horizon 4 is a beautiful sight. It is varied, difficult and fast. In other words, it's all you want from a racing game.

The biggest hurdle for Playground Developer Games is that you could say all this about Forza Horizon 3 or even its predecessors. This is a franchise that has always delivered. So, going into this one, I was wondering if we needed another. Or do we just do it because Forza is the only Microsoft exclusivity that does not have an identity crisis?

I'm playing Forza Horizon 4, which will be released on October 2nd on PC and Xbox One for $ 60, and it's always great. But it also reminds me a lot of the game I just played two years ago.

What you will like (until now)

The ideal of the Horizon formula

Forza Horizon games were excellent from the beginning. Forza Horizon on the Xbox 360 was a great way to take into account physics, customization and Motorsport cars and add a little fun. In a certain way, each game is improved.

Forza Horizon 4 maintains this trend. Again, I wonder how you can improve Forza Horizon 5. Among the reasons why this entry is so strong, it's because the world never gets in the way. The environment is detailed and realistic, but Playground is not going to destroy your momentum to give a stone wall a realistic mass. You can tear obstacles like fabrics. This series has already done that, but she has never been so friendly.

The progressions system is another example of how Horizon 4 sneaks the most. You are constantly up to speed in this game. You have a separate progression for street racing, cross country and rallying. Even every single car has its own leveling system. It may seem exhausting, but it gives you a reason to stay with one car and a reason to start working on the next when you are ready.

Unparalleled presentation

Playground presents its games better than any other developer currently working. Forza Horizon 4 is the proof. His interstitials before and after the races are magnificent. They present your driver and car in front of a menu or a massive stylized display. This tells you which race you are in or how many points of experience you have just won. It looks beautiful and makes the game more lively and expensive.

Britain is beautiful through the seasons

Speaking of living and expensive, Forza Horizon 4 is beautiful. Racing games are still technical pieces, but I do not think you can get a better game for your Xbox One X right now. I mostly played in console performance mode, which allows me to get 60 sharp images per second. And of course, you notice the lowering of the resolution, but that's not a problem. And even in performance mode, it is still beautiful.

It takes place in Britain, which means you get pretty roads, green pastures and many cozy hamlets. Playground then adds variety to this already fascinating space through the use of different times of the year.

For Forza Horizon 4, it's the party of the car that never ends. This means that a green pasture can sometimes present autumn colors. Or it could end up covered with snow or flowers. These are not just cosmetic changes. Rain and ice will also result in handling differences. But it really allows the game to stay cool.

It also looks amazing in 1440p at 144 frames per second on the PC's super-fast settings. I recommend experimenting with this.

Forza Horizon 4 is a good online game

This game has the personalization of the characters. This is because there is a live online world where you will naturally meet other real players at any time. When this happens, you do not want to embarrass your friends by displaying an ugly default icon. Instead, you want to switch a chicken suit or James Bond tuxedo.

More importantly, you'll need a decent emote when you contest this online hike and beat it. For example, have them watch the floss dance or perhaps the Macarena.

You can even do these dancing emotes in picturesque places, and it's just … well, look.

What you do not like (until now)

More of the same

Playground has made many smart improvements. The progression system makes it possible to better assemble the space between the races than the previous games. And Forza Horizon 4 has apparently added content without deleting any of the other modes of previous entries.

But you always do mostly the same things as always. You always run fast cars in a detailed world. And of course, the setting has changed, but that does not seem too different in the end. I hope that more time spent with online mode and some of the customization will continue to convince me (that's the case so far, but I'm ahead). If that's the case, I might feel less concerned.

But for now, I hope the series will take more than two years after this great sequel.

Conclusion (until now)

When a series of games is so long, you can sometimes realize it. Forza Horizon 4 refines its formula again in several ways. But these improvements have diminishing returns. It's the best Forza Horizon game, making it one of the best racing games of all time. But that does not let me down like that.

If you have not registered with the franchise for a while, you will love it. If you just chose an Xbox One X and a 4K TV, it's a wonderful centerpiece. But he begins to feel that Microsoft must give Forza time. Let him breathe and give him something to do.

Score: pending

Microsoft Forza Horizon 4 arrives on PC and Xbox One on October 2nd. Microsoft has provided GamesBeat with a download code of the $ 100 Ultimate edition for this review.

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