Free PUBG on Xbox One for a limited time only


With Fortnite continue to be at the top of the game Battle Royale and Call of Duty: Blackout continually showing that he also has a loyal player base, the team of The battlefields of PlayerUnknown wants to open up even more its gaming experience on the Xbox platform. Good news for those who own an Xbox One and wish to experience the realistic Battle Royale experience. PUBG is free on the Microsoft platform for a limited time!

The wrong side? We do not know how limited this limited time offer is, but the Microsoft Store online game is listed as free temporarily. Now that the full game is out and early access is completely gone, it's a good time for players interested in this online mode to discover what the Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner experience is like. can offer.

The game has also recently received Xbox One X enhancements for those who play on the "most powerful console on the market". With performance improvements, visual enhancements and more, it's a game worth checking out for its notoriety. Plus, it's free! You have nothing to lose.

For more information on the game itself:

"The battlefields of PlayerUnknown is a royal battle shooter that pits 100 players against each other in a fight for survival. Gather supplies and thwart your opponents to become the last person standing.

JoueurInconnu, aka Brendan Greene, is a pioneer of the Battle Royal genre and the creator of the Royal Battle Battle modes of the ARMA series and H1Z1: King of the Kill. At PUBG Corp., Greene is working with a team of seasoned developers to make PUBG the world's first royal battle experience. "

From time-limited event modes to teams that are constantly improving how the title works, PUBG offers a fun Battle Royale experience. Although this is certainly not the first game of its kind, it is the one that has kicked off the BR group craze. Epic Games mentioned that their Battle Royale mode for Fortnite was inspired by the popularity of its counterpart Chicken Dinner, and from there – this online gambling mode has only grown!

Check for yourself now!

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