Full Body Drops Gruesomely Sexy New Trailer


The title of the classically twisted PlayStation 3 Catherine officially back for the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita systems, and honestly, we could not say more. The latest addition of PS4 is not just a remake either, it will introduce a "third Catherine" in addition to the already established characters. Now, Atlus has dropped a brand new trailer showing not only all the redesigns the game will see, but also its sexy double nature!

For those who are eager to see the new Catherine the last trailer looks like your average documentary. That being said, the progression of the video has clearly evolved to show the more macabre nature of the game that will really challenge you and your own preferences (we're joking!).

And can we just add … poor Vincent.

Catherine: whole body will come out on Valentine's Day in Japan for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. It also happens in the West, although nothing outside a vague window of 2019 has been given.

To learn more about the game:

Like Vincent, a man recently succumbed to the irresistible beauty of the game's diversion, players find themselves immersed in a treacherous love triangle. Catherine's central themes, namely free will, the delicate nature of relationships and the choices we make within them, blend perfectly with the intense and rewarding gameplay that accurately reflects Vincent's growing sense of worry. This is a totally different experience than the one we have to face, and it is certain that the players will speak and reflect on Vincent's tribulations long after the credits are earned.

The horrors of loveVincent's fears, doubts, pressures and growing guilt over commitment and fidelity now follow him enthusiastically in his dreams, resulting in horribly disfigured monsters and a clock.

Between a rock and a soft place: The player must navigate through Vincent through heavy moral decisions. Like in real life, almost nothing is black and white. What is the value of honesty? What is the right thing to do? Anyway, someone will get hurt. Even worse, someone could die.

The nightmare of your dreams: The famous artist Shigenori Soejima and the master-composer Shoji Meguro create incomparable images and sounds. As unforgettable and original as the story of the game, the visual direction and musical score of Catherine perfectly define and complete Vincent's terrifying ascent in the dizzying perils of love.

Escape with a friend: Competitive and local cooperative multiplayer modes, in addition to leaderboards, ensure that multiple players can enjoy the many thrills and horrors of running through twisted stages and add extra hours of play to the overall experience. .

Since the game is also released for the Xbox 360, it is possible that the port will also become for this generation of Microsoft, although nothing has been confirmed yet. We would really like to see Catherine also goes on the Nintendo Switch, fingers crossed!

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