Galaxy S10 with 5G could cost a fortune – BGR


Earlier this week, we heard that Samsung was planning to make a 5G version of the Galaxy S10 next year, and a new report brings us additional details on the handset. Only the more expensive version of the Galaxy S10 will have a 5G variant, which should be the Galaxy S10 + given Samsung's current naming scheme for the Galaxy S10 series. The 5G Galaxy S10 + model will be even more expensive than the 4G version, which should already cost well over $ 1000. According to a new report, it will also be produced in limited quantities.

according to The bell, Samsung will unveil the Galaxy S10 in January at CES 2019, long before the usual launch of several Galaxy S models at the end of February. The phone will be available in three versions, called Beyond 0, Beyond 1 and Beyond 2. The Beyond 1 and 2 are the Galaxy S10 and S10 +, the natural successors of the Galaxy S9 and S9 +. The Beyond 0 is supposed to be a new addition to the S10 range, an entry-level model with less impressive specs and a lower price. Sound familiar? Yeah, that's exactly what Apple does with its 2018 iPhone models.

The Galaxy S10 + 5G will be a derivative of the Beyond 2 line. The phone will have a similar design, but will ship a 5G chip as well as additional antennas. Apparently, 5G phones will need four or five more antennas than LTE phones. The addition of 5G components would explain the increase in the cost of the Galaxy S10 + 5G. The report notes that the Galaxy S10 + will be the best version of the Galaxy S10 next year.

The 5G option could be available to buyers when launching 5G networks. In Korea, this means that on March 5th, the three local operators will light the 5G. The bell reminds us that Samsung did something similar in 2013, when a Galaxy S4 LTE-A option was launched only in June in Korea, a few months after the initial launch of the Galaxy S4.

Samsung is expected to manufacture only two million 5G phones a year during the initial deployment of the 5G, and the number includes other Galaxy phones, not just the Galaxy S10 + 5G. Earlier this year, Samsung said the Galaxy S10 would not be its first 5G phone. So we should expect a midrange 5G phone.

Source of image: Zach Epstein, BGR

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