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For the first time, Nintendo is charging players to play online as the company launched its first premium online service earlier this week. Nintendo Switch Online costs $ 20 a year, or if you want to pay more months in a month, you can also get packages of one month and three months for 4 and 8 dollars respectively. For this money, you will be able to play games such as Splatoon 2, Arms and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe against other players online (which you could use for free), and use cloud backups. That's what you normally expect from an online subscription service, but at a lower price than Xbox Live or PlayStation. Network.

It also comes with a selection of free NES games, and that's what we're going to talk about today. The initial series includes 20 titles from the Nintendo 80s era, including a handful of truly iconic classics. Each game will include multiple backup slots allowing you to save up to four different games at any time, and play online as needed. So yes, you can finally play Pro Wrestling online or alternatively Super Mario again with your brother, even though he lives all the way across the country. Nintendo will add new games to the list every month, with Metroid, Ninja Gaiden and others have already been announced for later in 2018. For now, there are 20 games on the service, and if you find what they are, and how wise are the older ones? Paste classify them (scientifically and without passion, of course), keep reading.

20. football

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Four of these games are from the NES Sports Series, which dates back to the black box era that was identical to the launch of the system. Your preference for three of them will probably boil down to what you think of the sports themselves. Soccer could be slightly more advanced than Baseballbut it's less iconic (at least in the US) and has less nostalgic appeal. And with regard to these archaic sports games, nostalgia is essential to enjoy today. If you are looking for a simple and unadorned basic game that you can play online, it will probably scratch you. Of course, we should not expect something approaching a FIFA play however .-Garrett Martin

19. Baseball

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Baseball it's really not better than Soccer. It may be worse, you do not even really control the commissioning. Yes, you must throw the ball, but the players rush on themselves. Still, it was the most advanced baseball game on home systems when the NES came out, and since baseball was still king in the mid-80s, it was one of the biggest games at launch. of the system. This means that many baseball and video game fans in their forties are probably eager to give themselves another chance. –Garrett Martin

18. tennis

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Tennis the prices are better than the other first Sports Series games because the sport itself is much simpler. You just need two people, two rackets, a net and a ball, and you're ready to go. Even the NES could handle that in 1985, and so Tennis capture more of the real feel of his sport than the other first games in the Sports series.-Garrett Martin

17. Yoshi

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This puzzle game arrived relatively late in the life of the NES and was launched in America nearly a year after the release of the Super Nintendo. You can say that it's a little afterwards, as soon as you start playing it. Although his novel takes the puzzle of falling blocks, he is distinguished from Dr. Mario or TetrisInstead of moving the blocks as they fall, you have to turn the turntables at the bottom of the screen to make sure the blocks are on the best pile. (And that's not like Dr. Mario is almost as deep or replayable as Tetrisanyway.) It's fine as a diversion, and the price of free is good, but do not expect to spend too much time with this dinosaur.Garrett Martin

16. Donkey Kong

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The original arcade version of Donkey Kong is a timeless classic that ranks high on this list. The disappointing port of NES misses an entire level of this game, as well as most cutscenes. It looks a lot like the same game, which means it can not be entirely rejected, but we can not ignore how fundamentally it is hindered. This will give you a shock of this Donkey Kong difficulty, but it's just not the same game as the original, and not as good.-Garrett Martin

15. Double Dragon

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As Donkey Kong, the NES version of Double Dragon is a disappointing port of a true arcade classic. There's a long list of changes that have hurt this game, but they've all been forgiven if they just got the one thing everybody liked about the arcade version: two-player cooperation. That's right, it's a Double Dragon where you can not fight side by side with your friend. This two-player alternative mode practically killed that game, and no matter how much he captured the original crunch of the original fight, there was no way back.Garrett Martin

14. Ice Hockey

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Ice Hockey came out after Nintendo dropped black boxes with genre logos, but still had this Sports Series tag just under it. This was not a competition for Konami Steel bladesbut it was still a deeper, more faithful and more enjoyable recreation of his sport than the previous games in the Nintendo Sports series, and it's still true today.Garrett Martin

13. balloon fight

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Yoshio Sakamoto takes joust could be better known today than this classic arcade, simply thanks to its regular reissues on Nintendo hardware and to its references in other games. Although it's cuter than Williams's, it might actually be harder. Physics feels even more flattering and unpredictable than joust, and dangers like lightning quickly complicate everything. It's a serious challenge, even if you play two.Garrett Martin

12. Ice Climber

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As with other games on this list, Ice climber has not aged well, but it nevertheless keeps an undeniable and ironic place in our heart. Its protagonists, Nana and Popo, climbed a series of ice-covered peaks to reach the top of the mountain and recover their stolen vegetables in thieving condors. Despite or perhaps because of this unlikely hypothesis, his legacy lives on. -Holly Green

11. Mario Bros.

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If you wonder how the little guy jumps everywhere on the building sites Donkey Kong a few years later, at least part of this story is filled by the original. Mario Brothers. It was the first game where Mario behaved like a plumber, albeit in a really surreal way, while he was trying to repair pipes that were overtaken by crabs, turtles and balls of fire. At least he had a backup in the form of Luigi, which had been created specifically for this game to allow two people to play at a time.Garrett Martin

10. Excitebike

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What looks like a racing game is more like a resource management puzzle to solve. Boost too long and your engine overheats. The earth jumps perfectly to cool the engine. A first Miyamoto seal still fun today. -Jon Irwin

9. Ghosts and Goblins

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Ghosts 'n' Goblins could be the most difficult game ever made. Not only are there six deadly levels of zombies, ghosts and monsters, but if you manage to beat him once, it takes you back to the beginning and asks you to do it again. Hard.-Nate Ewert-Krocker

8. Dr. Mario

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Dr. Mario emerged as an impressive challenger at the fall Tetris throne, providing an even simpler approach to the concept using a set of capsules as a match-three mechanism. The result has been endless hours of pleasure and nowadays Dr. Mario is still available to play on multiple platforms, even appearing as a mini-game in the Age of the brain Games. -Holly Green

7. Pro Wrestling

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Of course, the undisputed champion of the Sports series is repetitive, but Pro Wrestling was revolutionary in his day. With a list of grapplers with defined characters and subtly different moves, and the ability to fight outside the ring and even dive, it was more like real wrestling games than many subsequent games.Garrett Martin

6. Tecmo Bowl

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I did not even like football when I was a kid, but I still loved Tecmo Bowl. This is a great job that Tecmo did to convert the game into a video game. He eliminated all the boring parts of football, simplified the strategy into something easily understandable and turned it into an addictive arcade-style video game that owes as much to shoot-ups as to real football.Garrett Martin

5. Gradius

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One of the most difficult side-scrolling games of its time, Gradius was originally released in the arcades in 1985 and later spawned several suites of the home console, and has also inspired generations of space games all along the line. Some of the conventions established or strengthened by Gradius, like the power system, are used to date in video games. -Holly Green

4. River City Ransom

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Incredibly far ahead of his time, River City Ransom instead plays as a SNES beat-em-up as a NES, with a surprisingly advanced set of fighting mechanics and RPG-style evolutionary statistics for your characters. There is great joy in beating thugs to collect coins, then walking into a sushi shop to find out what stats a piece of nigiri or tempura will stimulate. -Jim Vorel

3. Super Mario Bros.

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Without a doubt the most iconic video game of all time, Super Mario Bros. challenges summary. Testifying to the frugal ingenuity of the early game design and creativity of Nintendo's founding founders, including Shigeru Miyamoto, he remains an undisputed favorite. -Holly Green

2. The legend of Zelda

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Link's original adventure is the first console game that has been felt like a true epic, with a vast sprawling universe, several dangerous dungeons to explore, as well as special skills and secrets. For his time, he was as perfect as the games, and even today, it's easy to disappear for hours in this version of Hyrule without even realizing it.Garrett Martin

1. Super Mario Bros. 3

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It's the best Mario game, right? I mean, it could be the best Thu, point, so that it makes clearly the best Mario game. He took all that was excellent in the original, imported a touch of the apocryphal strangeness of the second unrelated game, and created a massive universe that constantly reveals new angles and unexpected new facets without ever plunging into quality. If you only play one game in your life, it might as well be this one. –Garrett Martin

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