GameStop offers a $ 200 credit for trading a switch against a switch | News and opinions


Usually, takeover offers offer you credits on older gaming equipment to help you buy newer consoles, but GameStop requires you to switch one switch to buy another one … Your old one also needs to be in perfect working order. qualify for trade.

Nintendo Switch

Rebate offers in video game stores can be very useful when you want to invest in a new console, but you do not have the funds to buy one. Generally, you can use a latest generation machine and exchange it for a store credit to use against the new purchase. The latest GameStop recovery offer is, however, a little scary.

If you visit the GameStop trading page today, the most advantageous offer is $ 200 in credit when you exchange a Nintendo Switchbut then you use that credit to buy … a Nintendo switch. You will only get the full $ 200 if your Switch is in "optimal operating condition", which begs the question: why are you trading it?

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The offer would make more sense if Nintendo had refreshed the Switch with an updated model, but that has not happened yet, so what's the problem here? Kotaku asked this question to GameStop and they duly responded.

The Switch for Switch exchange apparently addresses the players "who might wish to switch to one of the recently launched Nintendo Switch bundles, such as the Nintendo Switch Diablo III Eternal Collection". Or who want to play on a switch with "a personalized feel". In other words, if you want to use one of the Switch bundles or special editions with illustrations on the Switch box, GameStop will be happy to help you buy the same system again.

A $ 200 credit may sound quite generous, but GameStop then sells second-hand Switch consoles for $ 279.99. An instant gain of $ 80 in resale. You must also take into account the cost of a new console Switch. The standard switch costs $ 299.99, the price of packages varies depending on the game. For example, the Fortnite Double Helix pack costs $ 299.99, the Diablo III Eternal Collection bundle is $ 359.99 and the Pikachu & pack Eevee Edition is $ 399.99.

Unless you desperately need one of the bundles or your switch has an annoying scratch on the screen that you would not want to look any further, I would advise you to wait to see what Nintendo will then do with the Switch. A hardware update of the switch is planned for 2019.

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