Gboard bug prevents users from typing glide, but here's how you can fix it


It seems that one of Google's recent Google Gboard updates was able to add a bug that now prevents users from typing properly. Also known as "swipe typing", Gboard's on-the-fly typing functionality can even break completely. So you can imagine the frustration that many Android users have been facing.

The problem only appeared recently, but Google has already acknowledged the situation and promised to provide Gboard users with a fix soon. Developers have even offered anxious people to start using drag by typing a workaround again:

Well, you'll be happy to know that if you use the workaround initially provided by Google, the problem will disappear completely and you'll be able to take advantage of Gboard's on-the-fly typing. We do not know if Google will still deploy a bug fix for Gboard, but if you're having problems with typing on the fly, use the workaround above.

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