Get an Xbox One X for $ 200 in the US with this trade-in offer in exchange


If you plan to upgrade to an Xbox One X, you may want to do it soon. Until October 28, GameStop offers a promotion that allows you to get a huge bonus on the recovery value of other consoles of the current generation, provided you pay the necessary credit to the ### 39, buying an Xbox One X.

The commercial credit you get depends, of course, on the console you are trading. If you are ready to part with a PS4 Pro, you can get $ 300 for the purchase of an Xbox One X on GameStop. That's $ 50 more than if you had traded it for a normal GameStop credit.

In a perhaps more likely scenario, you can earn $ 250 on an Xbox One X to redeem a Nintendo Switch, a PS4 Slim, an original PS4 or an Xbox One S. An original PS4 you normally brings a commercial credit of 150 USD. premium. And if you want to upgrade to an X from an original Xbox One, you'll receive a $ 200 credit, which is also $ 100 more than you would normally expect. Considering that an Xbox One costs $ 500, this takeover offer allows you to get one by separating with only $ 200 to $ 300 in cash.

The Xbox One X is Microsoft's mid-level upgrade model that offers more power and features than the original Xbox One or Xbox One S. for more accurate colors, faster loading times and improved rates.

In our article on Xbox One X, Jimmy Thang wrote, "Although Xbox One X is an expensive box, from a hardware point of view, you get a very powerful and powerful computer.You'll have a hard time building a Comparable PC $ 500. On top of that, you get a 4K HDR Blu-ray drive, which can cost several hundred dollars on its own. "For more information, you can check out our comparison of all Xbox models One.

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