God of War artist reveals discarded drum foe


A Sony Santa Monica artist who worked on the most recent God of War revealed illustrations for an enemy who was scheduled for the game before the team decided to abandon the final product.

Arda Koyuncu of Sony Santa Monica took to ArtStation to share images of the drummer with the fans of God of War and those who follow his works of art. The enemy seemed to be a variant of the many draugr that the players had to fight in the northern landscape, this being a larger female version of the undead enemies. With dreadlocks, four blackened limbs, and various props that adorned the character's model, the Drummer carried a large drum that seemed to have been shaped into a heart. Skulls hung from the drum to add to the character who was already sinister by the standards of God of War .

Revealing that the original concept for the enemy came from the main character designer of the Santa Monica Dela Longfish studio, Koyuncu discussed how the character was done and what happened to the model and the other works of art that were created once the team decided to scrap the enemy

  God of War Drummer 2,386
(Photo: Arda Koyuncu) [19659008] "I've modeled, textured and made Drummer hardware editing from scratch," says Koyuncu in his ArtStation article. Later during the production, we decided to cut the character of the final game, but I used the props that I modeled for the character for different purposes here and there in the game. "

Koyuncu did not go into detail what the enemy would actually do, so there really is no telling what effect it would have had on Kratos and Atreus and the rest of the minor enemies if it had been included in the final product.Since its gameplay would obviously be centered around the drum that it carries, there is a good chance that it could have been a tanky-like enemy. to a support that provided buffs to his allies or debuffs to players through the use of his drums.Other enemies like the Revenant in God of War could summon Nightmares to help them, so maybe that character was a Draugr counterpart who could bring more Until you can shoot it

was not included in the final game, Koyuncu's comment that its features were used elsewhere gives players an egg Easter more to look for when they play God of War again, perhaps with the new game + fashion that was revealed.

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