'God of War' Reel Blooper Shows How Weird Game Development Is


God of War Kratos' latest story is a stand-out game. As announced on the PlayStation Blog, God of War is receiving a permanent price drop to $ 39.99.

To celebrate the price drop news QA lead for God of War shared a funny blooper reel and insights into how the QA team helped stomp out as many bugs as possible. If you are interested in the game of development, the blog post is a must-read. If you prefer to laugh at goofy glitches and bugs, definitely check out the video above.

In the video we see something as seemingly simple as Atreus' changing facial expressions can result in horrors and hilarity. The most frustrating part of these bugs is the outcome of things you would not expect. Why is Kratos' axis not spinning properly? It may be because of the weather is one of a million other possibilities. This video is proof that the QA team is more than an important part of game development, as they're the ones responsible for keeping these bugs away from the public.

god-of-war-bugs-blooper-reel God of War had some technical difficulties before it was released Sony

After seeing all the issues God of War team went through, it's clear the QA team did an admirable job. If you've ever wondered why it's so long ago, it's because of unforeseen issues.

God of War is now available on PS4.

So what do you think? What was your favorite bug from the 'Midgard Mishaps' video above? Will you purchase God of War now that the price has dropped? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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