GOG insensitive sweaters tweet, says it 'should focus on games'


GOG has gotten and addressed a tweet that has been passed on for the past few months.

The digital storefront did not apologize for its insensitive use of ############################################################################################################################# games. "

The original tweet has been deleted, but was captured and shared on social media beforehand. GOG said: "Classic PC games #WontBeErased on our watch.Yeah, how's that for some use of hashtags?"

GOG's response, posted earlier today, reads: "Yesterday, we posted a tweet containing a trending hashtag as a pun," the response read. "The tweet was a malicious attack, not a comment to the ongoing social debate.

"GOG should focus only on games.

In July this year, GOG is apologized for the following GamerGate-related tweet-also subsequently deleted.

And in September, the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account apologized for a tweet that appeared to make reference to a transphobic meme (CD Projekt owns both Cyberpunk 2077's developer Projekt CD Red and GOG).

The OffiZombie Orpheus Entertainment, which has movies including JourneQuest and The Gamers: Director's Cut is available on GOG, has now canceled their contract with the platform and requested that their products be removed immediately.

The latest tweet tops a disappointing year for GOG on Twitter. Social media teams may not represent the views of each individual working at the company, but the front-facing point of contact, they are able to alienate customers with messages that can be considered, at best, to be accidentally insensitive.

Update: Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, which has movies including JourneyQuest and The Gamers: Director's Cut available on GOG, has now canceled its contract with the platform and requested that its products be removed immediately.

"We affirm that the ZOE community is a place where all are welcome, regardless of sexuality, race, gender, or any other categories that are used to divide and oppress," the company tweeted. "We further affirm that hate speech is not welcome here."

Zombie Orpheus Invited everyone who owns his films on GOG to contact him for free replacement copies on other platforms.

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