Google Camera Port brings "night vision" to more devices


In short: The first Google Camera port with Night Sight and Live Google Lens has just appeared online. This port appeared on the XDA Developer Forums (published by Arnova8G2). This is a port of the Google Camera v6.1 application that is preinstalled on Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, which were introduced recently. This version of Google Camera also brings a new user interface and additional features to older Pixel phones, including HEVC encoding, RAW capture support, audio capture via an external microphone when playing it. video recording, etc. It should be noted that this is an early port, a beta APK and that it brings some of the Night Sight feature and Live Google Lens to the table.

Before you go on the link provided below this article and try to download the APK, keep in mind however that you will need a phone using Android 9 Pie, which does not even guarantee the operation of the application. . Of course, this application should work on previous Pixel phones, but it also worked on our OnePlus 6 handset on which Android 9 Pie is preinstalled, which confirms its operation with Android 9 Pie devices in general. Night Sight works well in some occasions, but not so much in others. This is fine because it is only an early port, as already mentioned, and the next version of the APK will probably be much better.

Context: Google Camera ports have been available online for a long time now, and Arnova8G2 has worn many of them up to now. It is actually well known for Google Camera ports. The Google camera has managed to become so popular because of its image processing. This camera does a lot in the software department, and it manages to improve camera configurations on devices just for that reason, which is why many people prefer to use these unofficial versions. from the Google Pixel camera on their devices. For those of you who do not know it, Night Sight is actually a new Google camera feature that has been deployed on the Pixel 3 and 3 XL models, and fundamentally improves nighttime photos without use the flash, of course. He takes a lot of pictures with a slightly longer exposure time and then assembles them to create a brighter and more beautiful picture … at least in theory.

Impact: Arnova8G2 will release more Google Camera 6.1 ports in the future, that's for sure. It came very soon after the release of Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. It is not surprising that not everything works as it should. This is a good indication however, and the next release will probably bring some drastic improvements, at least that's what usually happens when it comes to Arnova8G2's Google Camera ports. If you want to check this port and you have a phone with Android 9 Pie, a download link is included below, for convenience, as usual. You can also see an example image where this port has been able to improve the situation, since this image is also included below.

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