Google Celebrates 20 Years of Searching with Easter Eggs, Street View Tour of Office of Origin


The big picture: Google is celebrating its 20th anniversary with an interactive look back at its original desktop, Easter eggs inducing nostalgia and much more. Its first 20 years were marked by remarkable innovation and growth – what will last the next two decades?

It's been a little over 20 years since Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Ph.D. students at Stanford, started working on a research project that would eventually become Google. To celebrate this milestone, the search giant has infused many of its most popular properties with Easter eggs inducing nostalgia.

On the main search page, Google has added a handful of helpful recommendations when running queries for period-specific terms. For example, looking for "mp3 file" asks if you want to say "listen to music continuously" and "what year 2000?

There is also a new Street View entry to be verified – a faithful recreation of Susan Wojcicki's California garage, which served as Google's first office. As Google grew, it spread to the rooms of the house, which you can also visit using Street View.

Google even released archive footage of its debut captured by the company's sixth employee to compare its actual appearance in 1998 versus Street View's hobbies. Look around you in the office and you can even find additional hidden Easter eggs, including what looks like Google Glass mockups.

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