Google Chrome 71 will block "abusive" ads that make you click on them


Google Chrome 71, scheduled for December, will block what it calls "abusive" ads, which use deceptive elements to entice people to click on it, Google said Monday.

In fact, the new browser will delete all Ads sites that feature these types of ads, said the company in a blog post.

Google defines an abusive ad as an ad with deceptive behavior, such as an ad that includes a deceptive "X" or "X" button. In a legitimate ad, clicking on such a button would close the ad. A misleading ad makes the item the item of the ad itself, so that clicking on it launches the announcement. This is the kind of behavior that will trigger Google's anger.

Site operators found to host such advertisements will have 30 days to check their reports of abusive experiences before Google lowers the hammer and removes all ads from the site, Google said.

Google's decision basically recognizes that the anti-abuse measures introduced with Google 68 a year ago do not go far enough. At that time, Google said that about 1 in 5 of the reaction reports received indicated that the user had been a victim of some form of unwanted content. This week, the company said that about half of these unwanted experiences include these abusive advertisements, justifying the crackdown.

What it means for you: This is certainly a welcome change for all passionate Internet users. In any case, some users eliminate all ads via ad blockers. That's why they must be convinced that ads should only be annoying, and not harmful. Unfortunately, it may be too late to register the display ad industry.

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