Google Cloud deploys security feature for container images


Google announced Wednesday a new feature for developers in the early stages of the process of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI / CD). All container images created using Cloud Build, Google's fully managed CI / CD platform, will now be automatically scanned for vulnerabilities in operating system packages. The container registry vulnerability analysis feature is currently in beta.

The images will be scanned for vulnerabilities when they are transmitted to the Container Register once the Container Analysis API is enabled. Vulnerability analysis is also built into the binary authorization, a deployed security check that ensures that only secure container images are automatically deployed on Kubernetes Engine.

The new feature should help prevent the deployment of vulnerable images and reduce the time spent on downstream security issues, according to Google.

In other news related to developer productivity, Google has announced the redesign of its cloud source repositories. The updated version, now in beta, includes a new user interface as well as semantic code search capabilities. The code search feature is powered by the same underlying code search infrastructure that Google engineers use.

Google also announced Wednesday the general availability of Cloud Memorystore for Redis, a fully managed memory storage service built on Google's infrastructure. Cloud Memorystore automates complex tasks such as provisioning, scaling, failover and monitoring. Cloud Memorystore was one of the many managed database services set up by Google early in the year.

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