Google could launch Play Pass as an app subscription template – Inferse


Google is working on an application subscription service called Play Pass, which would require users to subscribe to a selection of apps instead of paying separately.

Google may be considering launching a new service that allows users to pay for a subscription for a set of apps. Provisionally named Play Pass, said service will serve as an alternative to the payment of a single right for the possession of each of the applications separately.

The above is still in its infancy, with only references to the same codes in the backend as well as in the Google Opinion Rewards survey indicating that Play Pass is seriously considered by the company Mountain View. In addition, it is not a brand new development either, allusions to Play Pass having been discovered in June. However, it is unclear when the service could finally be operational, although it still has its limits.

Among these, the main problem is the selection of applications to offer as a package Play Pass. This can be tricky for Google as it could end up ruffling some feathers because any unselected application could blame Google for being difficult in its choices. In addition, all applications of a predetermined package may not please the user. A custom package can certainly be a solution to this problem, although setting fees for such a package can also be a chore.

For Google, Play Pass is still considered the best choice to make Play Store more competitive with the Apple App Store. While the Apple App Store is making huge profits every year, the Play Store has always been lagging behind here. The reason is too obvious: Android users crave free applications and are not reputed to want to pay due to an application or service.

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The Play Pass is intended to attract the attention of this class because the payment of minimal recurring fees can always be more competitive than having to buy each application individually. That said, users have generally been inclined to subscribe to services that allow them to watch movies, TV shows or listen to songs. It remains to be seen what will be the reaction of the user when asked to subscribe to a set of applications when the service will be online, if and when it would happen.

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