Google eliminates notifications to Android spam subscribers


When Google introduced the nearby notifications feature in 2015 along with some other location-based services, the company envisioned it as a service that proactively provides useful information to users throughout the day. The idea was to allow developers to set up geolocated tags that would query the devices of a person that they would like to know, for example, where to find free Wi-Fi or when the next bus had to arrive.

Nearby notifications were part of Google's efforts to provide information to users before they were required to request it. The company did it with its former Google Now launcher, who has been trying to highlight the applications you might need depending on the time, location and location. history of use. Google Assistant offers similar preventative recommendations. The company has also introduced in Android P a complete system of predictive applications called Actions and Slices.

Unfortunately, nearby notifications got bogged down with annoying notifications from spammers. In a blog post, Google solved the problem and said the feature "resulted in a poor user experience". So, from December 6, it will not be anymore. Android users will stop receiving pings from nearby notifications. Developers will have to move to other APIs to create proximity-based alerts, at least until spammers find out how to destroy them.

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