Google employees around the world say #Timesup In Tech



More than 500 Google employees at Mountain View have left the company's headquarters this afternoon, joined by thousands of people around the world at a protest aimed at holding sexual harassers accountable at their place of business. job.

Organizer Celie O'Neill-Hart shouted: "The weather is on top!" while she was reading a list of claims from Google executives, including a better reporting process of sexual abuse, equal opportunity for all members of the public, a transparency report on sexual assault and the end of forced arbitration, which requires employees to give up their right to sue.

The walkout was intended to help victims of abuse in the company, including those who were not expressing themselves today for fear of retaliation or further emotional harm.

Oralia Alvarado, 27, started working at Google about five years ago as a barista. During this period, Alvarado reported seeing cafeteria workers who were often harassed because of their inferior status.

A man has already asked Alvarado to lick his lips because his lipstick was gorgeous, but she added that she did not feel validated until an employee did not express the shock of his interaction.

Another woman, Nancy, described a company that was meeting at YouTube, a Google-owned company, in which she had lost her memory after asking a colleague to change her drink. She said that another colleague had seen her "driven by the hand" and had helped her. Her manager later told her that the coworker could be fired immediately, provided that he held a lesser role in the team.

The two women hoped that telling their story would galvanize the victims of abuse, as well as their allies.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai told employees earlier this week that the company knew about the event and that participants would receive support.

"Employees have raised constructive ideas about how we can improve our policies and processes in the future," Pichai said in a statement. "We take into account all their comments in order to realize these ideas."

Google was shot after a New York Times article on October 25 revealed a $ 90 million payment to an employee accused of sexual harassment. Speakers said today that the company is used to protecting itself from prosecution by protecting the accusers. A man held a placard saying, "Happy to leave for $ 90 million, no sexual harassment is required."

After the release of the report, the women of the company organized the protest about five days later. The offices in Singapore started the demonstration at 11:10, other events taking place in offices around the world.

"We chose 11, one or 11:10, because we believe that one story is too much and that we have heard thousands of people as part of this movement," said O-Neil-Hart, explaining that the movement began with internal channels. However, more than 60% of Google offices around the world have quickly grown in size.

The event at Mountain View has ended today with a roaring song of "Time is Up!" follow similar moves against the abusers in Hollywood and other industries.

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